Table of contents
  1. Figma Supported Features
  2. DesignCompose Extensions
    1. Plugins

Figma Supported Features

  • Primitives
    • Frames
    • Text
      • Layout Features: line height, letter spacing, horizontal alignment, vertical alignment, OpenType Flags
      • Styled Sub-Runs
      • Text Case
      • Font Properties: weight, italic, underline, strikethrough
    • Vectors: Rectangles, Paths, Arcs, Boolean Ops
  • Layout
    • Constraints
    • Auto Layout: row, column, padding, etc.
  • Fills
    • Solid Color
    • Gradients: Linear, Radial, Angular, Diamond
    • Images
  • Strokes
    • Alignment: Inside, Outside, Center
    • Stroke Caps
    • Individual stroke thicknesses
    • Strokes on text
    • Dashing
  • Blend Modes
  • Masking (one mask per parent, no unmasked siblings)
  • Effects
    • Inner Shadow (not on Text)
    • Drop Shadow
    • (Layer) Blur
    • Background Blur
  • Image Filters
  • Components & Variants
  • Prototyping & Interactive Components
    • Actions: Navigate, Back, Close, Swap, Overlay, Change To
    • Triggers: Click, Press, KeyDown, After Timeout Mouse support: Mouse Enter, Mouse Leave, Hover
    • Animations

DesignCompose Extensions

  • Live Update
    DesignCompose checks for updates from Figma every 5 seconds and automatically re-renders the changes.

  • Design Switcher
    The Design Switcher shows up in the upper right corner of a DesignCompose app. It shows live update details and lets you change the current Figma document.


  • Text Eliding & Max Line Count
    Fine grained text control; hoping to retire this since Figma recently extended their native text capabilities.
  • Lists & Grids
    Flexible layout for complex (and very long) list data.
  • Dials & Gauges
    Create dials & gauges of different kinds by applying values to arcs, rects, and performing translations.
  • Localization Tool
    Pull the string out of the figma design and generates a strings xml file.