Table of contents
  1. Media Center Demonstration App
    1. Prerequisites
      1. AAOS unbundled setup
    2. Set up Figma
      1. Create a Figma access token
      2. Import Media Center Figma documents
    3. Configure the MediaCompose reference app
      1. Enable browsing of other media apps
        1. Add the platform signing key
      2. Configure the Figma document ID in the Media Center app
    4. Run the Media Center app and set your Figma access token
      1. Explore the app!
    5. Convert the app to static production mode
      1. Add the Figma documents to the app source
      2. Deactivate Live Update
    6. Common issues
      1. App crashes on startup with requires android.permission.MEDIA_CONTENT_CONTROL

Media Center Demonstration App

This page explains how to use the Media Center demonstration app, which uses the DesignCompose library to create a fully functional Android Automotive OS (AAOS) Media Center app.

Note: The Media Center demonstration app is a way for you to get a quick start to using DesignCompose. If you’re looking for documentation about Media Center, see Media Center Example Designs.

The Media Center demonstration app uses the DesignCompose library to create a fully functional AAOS Media Center app. Use this app to view demonstrations of the following:

  • DesignCompose Live Update feature, which automatically downloads and displays Figma designs as they are updated in Figma. This enables designers, engineers, and product managers to quickly refine designs and try out new ideas in a car, on a test bench, or in an emulator.

  • Full integration with the AAOS Car Media libraries, allowing control and browsing access of installed media apps. To learn more, see Customizing Media


If this is your first time trying out Automotive Design For Compose, we recommend reading the Tutorial app guide, which describes the initial setup and shows you what DesignCompose can do.

To run the MediaCompose demonstration app, you need the prerequisites for DesignCompose as well as these items:

  • Access to an Android Automotive OS emulator or test device.

    The Media Center demonstration app requires an AAOS image to run. In addition, it’s intended to be displayed on an 11-inch (or larger) screen with a resolution of at least 1024 x 1028. Ensure your emulator’s device definition meets these minimum requirements.

  • A platform signing key for your Android emulator or test device (see Enable browsing of other media apps.

  • The current tested release of the Android Automotive OS unbundled repository (see below)

AAOS unbundled setup

The Media Center app depends on the AAOS libraries, which are part of the Android platform. These libraries are available outside of AAOS as part of the AAOS unbundled repository. Follow these instructions to download them and make them available to the Media Center app.

  1. Install the repo tool, following the instructions in Installing Repo
  2. Create a directory and download the AAOS unbundled repositories:

     mkdir aaos-unbundled
     cd aaos-unbundled
     repo init -u -b ub-automotive-master-20240521
     repo sync -cq -j16

    For more information, see the Unbundled Apps Integration Guide

  3. The AAOS unbundled project requires the Android SDK location be set. You can do this in one of two ways:
    • Create aaos-unbundled/packages/apps/Car/libs/aaos-apps-gradle-project/ and then set the sdk.dir property it contains. Android Studio can do this automatically when opening a project. For example, use sdk.dir=/Users/MY-USERNAME/Library/Android/sdk.

    • Set the ANDROID_SDK_ROOT environment variable with the path to the Android SDK.

  4. Create a Gradle property called unbundledAAOSDir and set it to the absolute path to your downloaded repository. The Media Center’s Gradle project uses this property to find the unbundled libraries.

    A common place to create the property is in your global file in ~/.gradle/ (You might need to create the file.) For example, if you downloaded the repositories to /data/git/aaos-unbundled, you would add:


Set up Figma

This section describes how to create a Figma Access Token (if one is not already at hand) and upload the MediaCompose design to your Figma account.

Create a Figma access token

If you haven’t already done so (for example, while following the tutorial guide, create a Figma access token. Follow the instructions in Setting Up Figma Authentication .

Import Media Center Figma documents

The following steps describe how to import the Media Center design documents:

  1. Visit and log in to your account.

  2. Click Import File on the main Figma screen. Locate and import the Media1_V2.fig file in the reference-apps/aaos-unbundled/mediacompose/figma_files directory.

  3. Open the uploaded design documents and note the Figma Document ID in the URLs between file/ and the name of the document.

    For example, the ID of the document at is aabbccdd.

Configure the MediaCompose reference app

In Android Studio, open the reference-apps/aaos-unbundled/mediacompose directory (don’t create a new project) and wait for the initial synchronization of the project to finish.

Enable browsing of other media apps

The Media Center demonstration app uses third-party media services, which are secured with the MEDIA_CONTENT_CONTROL permission. This permission can be granted in two ways, by installing the app in the system image as a privileged app, or signing the app with the platform key for the Android system. Installing the app as a privileged app grants access only to a few built-in media content providers, and the installation procedure can drastically differ depending on the Android image. Instead, follow the instructions below to sign the app with a platform key. This enables access to all other media apps that are installed on the system.

Note: If you’re using a generic AOSP Android image then the key that is included with the Media Center source might work for you. Skip to Configure the Figma Document ID in the Media Center app.

Add the platform signing key

Typically, a key is used only to sign a release build. However, the Media Center app doesn’t function without the permissions granted by a platform key. Therefore, all variants must be signed.

  1. Acquire a copy of a keystore file that contains the platform signing key for your test device or emulator. The key is typically provided as a .keystore file, with a password for the file and a separate password for the key file.

  2. In reference-apps/aaos-unbundled/mediacompose/build.gradle.kts, find the signingConfigs block in the android{} block. Replace the contents of the signingConfigs block with the path to your key and the key’s passwords and alias. You can also change the name of the signingConfig, which is set in the source to platform_UNSECURE.

     signingConfigs {
         register("platform_UNSECURE") {
             // You need to specify either an absolute path or include the
             // keystore file in the same directory as the build.gradle.kts file.
             storeFile = rootProject.file('my-platform-key.jks')
             storePassword = *******
             keyAlias = "platform"
             keyPassword = ********
  3. The Media Center’s app’s source already sets signingConfig to be used by all builds with the block below. If you changed the name of the config from platform_UNSECURE, then update it here as well.

     buildTypes {
         all {
             signingConfig = signingConfigs.getByName("platform_UNSECURE")

To learn more about signing configurations, see Configure Gradle to sign your app.

Configure the Figma document ID in the Media Center app

Update the Media Center app to load your copy of the Figma Design:

  1. Open the app’s MainActivity.kt file, located within the Android project at DC Unbundled Apps/mediacompose/java/com/android/designcompose/reference/mediacompose/MainActivity.kt.

    The actual file location is reference-apps/aaos-unbundled/mediacompose/src/main/java/com/android/designcompose/reference/mediacompose/MainActivity.kt.

  2. Find the following line:

     @DesignDoc(id = "<A Figma Document ID>", version = "0.1")
  3. Replace the document ID with the Figma Document ID of the Media Center Figma File that you uploaded previously. (See Import Media Center Figma documents for the document IDs).

Run the Media Center app and set your Figma access token

  1. Build and launch the app on your device. You can do this with Android Studio or manually using Gradle.

    Warning: If the app launches and immediately crashes, this might indicate that the proper platform key hasn’t been configured to sign the app. If this is the case, then the crash log in logcat includes the error java.lang.SecurityException: requires android.permission.MEDIA_CONTENT_CONTROL.

  2. Set your Figma access token in the app by running the ./gradlew setFigmaTokenDebug task from the ``reference-apps/aaos-unbundled/mediacompose` directory.

  3. After this, the app fetches the Figma Design document. The rendered design typically appears within one minute.

Explore the app!

The app is up and running. You’re welcome to experiment with it by playing different audio, or changing audio sources. Open the Media Center Figma file that you uploaded previously on, make modifications, and see how they’re rendered in the app.

You can also load and see the alternative designs that are included with the source. See Media Center Example Designs for more on about those designs.

Convert the app to static production mode

When the design of an app is stable, you can convert it to a static, production-ready app that doesn’t support Live Update and doesn’t need network access to run.

Add the Figma documents to the app source

A Live Update-enabled app fetches the Figma documents and stores them as a serialized file in the app’s storage. You can download these files and add them to the app’s source for inclusion in the APK.

  1. Build and run the app. If necessary, sign in to the app and allow the app to fetch and render the Figma document to the screen.

  2. If the app uses multiple Figma documents, then you must navigate to each screen that uses a separate document and allow the document to fetch and render.

  3. Create a directory in reference-apps/aaos-unbundled/mediacompose/src/main named assets and a directory in assets named figma.

  4. Open the Device File Explorer tool window in Android Studio and go to /data/user. This directory contains one or more numbered directories.

  5. Open the directory named 10. If a 10 directory doesn’t exist, open the directory named 0. Within this directory, locate the folder for the Media Center app, which is named after the app’s package name (‘`). See below if the Media Center directory can’t be found.

    Alternatively, use adb to directly access a shell on the device and run the find command, searching for a portion of the app’s package name. For example:

     $ adb root
     restarting adbd as root
     $ adb shell
     generic_car_x86_64:/ # find /data/user -name "*designcompose*"
  6. Open the files directory, which contains the cached Figma documents, named <Doc Name>_<Doc ID> with no file extension.

  7. Download the cached documents and copy them into the new assets directory created earlier (reference-apps/aaos-unbundled/mediacompose/src/main/assets/figma).

Deactivate Live Update

You can deactivate Live Update.

  1. Open your project’s MainActivity file. (See Configure the Figma document ID in the Media Center app).

  2. Remove the line DesignSettings.enableLiveUpdates(this) from the MainActivity.onCreate function.

  3. Build and run the app. The app displays the rendered design and the Document Switcher widget in the upper right corner is not displayed. The project’s APK files can be installed on any device, with or without internet access.

Common issues

App crashes on startup with requires android.permission.MEDIA_CONTENT_CONTROL

This error occurs when the app was not signed with the platform key or otherwise authenticated as a system app. Ensure that the key being used to sign the app is the platform key for the emulator or device that you are installing on.