Table of contents
  1. Android Tests
    1. AndroidInstrumentedTests
      1. Running on a physical device or specific emulator
      2. Running on Gradle Managed Devices (much faster)
    2. Local unit tests
    3. Screenshot tests
    4. Testing Figma file rendering
      1. Marking screenshots
  2. Rust tests
  3. Running all tests
    1. Prerequisites
  4. What tests to run
    1. To run unit tests
    2. To test code that modifies anything related to fetching or serializing docs
    3. To test code related to rendering docs
    4. For a reasonable amount of tests that will finish in a reasonable amount of time
    5. When your code is ready for review

Android Tests

We have multiple types of Android Tests, grouped by how they’re run. They are triggered by different Gradle commands and each type should be focused on different things


These run on an Android device, which can be a physical device or emulator. These tests are slow to run and currently not being run on CI, so they should be written only when a full Android device is needed for the test. The source for the tests is stored in the <package>/src/androidTest directory of the Gradle package.

There are two groups of tests, standard ones and Figma Integration tests. The Figma tests should be located in a figmaIntegrationTests sub-package. These tests require a working Figma Token and will interact with to test certain interactions, including fetching documents. (Gradle will attempt to read the token automatically).

Running on a physical device or specific emulator

When developing / working on a test you should run them on a physical device or running emulator ( aka Android Virtual Device aka AVD). Running the full suite is slower, but it’s much easier to debug individual runs.

Run with ./gradlew connectedCheck

Running on Gradle Managed Devices (much faster)

When simply running tests to confirm that they pass, you should use Gradle Managed Devices (aka GMD) to run them. These will cause Gradle to launch emulators to run the tests on. One set uses an ATD image, which is optimized for instrumented tests, and runs faster than the other GMDs.

If you have a sufficiently powerful machine you can use the below Gradle property to launch multiple emulators and spread the tests among them. I recommend 3 shards for now, I haven’t seen much better performance with 4. Set in your personal ~/.gradle/, do not set in any of the checked-in properties files.


Run the tests on GMDs by running:

./gradlew gmdTestQuick # Run on the ATDs, for the fastest run
./gradlew gmdTestStandard # Run on ATDs and the most current Android image
./gradlew gmdTestAll # run on all configured GMDs, including all Android images that we test against

Note: The first run will have some significant first-time setup as the GMDs are created.

Local unit tests

Most tests should be written as unit tests, stored in <package>/src/testDebug. These are run on your local system using your JVM and are much faster than Instrumented tests, though it’s harder to debug graphics output because there isn’t a visible screen to check the output on (that I’m aware of).

Tests that need Android components, such as Compose, will use Robolectric. It mocks most of the Android core, allowing those tests to be run locally.

The tests can be run with ./gradlew test, and will be run as part of ./gradlew check and ./gradlew build

Screenshot tests

Roborazzi is used to support screenshot testing. It uses Robolectric to generate the screenshots with your local JVM, allowing it to run very quickly. The tests depend on the serialized Figma files in the <package>/src/main/assets/figma directory being up to date. If they are out of date then you may not get an accurate test result.

Roborazzi is implemented as part of the unit tests in <package>/src/testDebug. The tests themselves will run if you run ./gradlew test, but screenshots will only be checked if you run ./gradlew verifyRoborazziDebug. This command has been added to the ./dev-scripts/ command, so you don’t need to run it separately if you run test-all.

If verifyRoborazziDebug fails it will output comparison images to <package>/build/outputs/roborazzi. You can also run ./gradlew compareRoborazziDebug --rerun-tasks to generate a report of all changed images in <package>/build/reports/roborazzi. If you determine that the change is acceptable you can regenerate the screenshots usingrecordRoborazziDebug. (Note that this will regenerate all images from all tests).

More information can be found in Roborazzi’s readme.

Testing Figma file rendering

Start with the Compose testing documentation for the basics of Compose testing. The below should apply to both unit and integration (AndroidInstrumented) tests.

The tests require a composeTestRule, though there are two types. The basic one, createComposeRule() should be the default choice, as it starts up faster. The alternate is createAndroidComposeRule<ComponentActivity>(), for tests (such as ones with Roborazzi) that require access to a running activity.

The DesignDoc to be tested is set via composeTestRule.setContent(). For example, HelloWorld’s basic test uses this line:

class RenderHelloWorld {

    val composeTestRule = createComposeRule()

    fun testHello() {
        composeTestRule.setContent { HelloWorldDoc.mainFrame(name = "Testers!") }

To check that the doc was rendered (meaning was read, deserialized, and displayed): assert that a node with the semantic docIdSemanticsKey with the value equalling your file’s fileId exists. From HelloWorld:

    .onNode(SemanticsMatcher.expectValue(docIdSemanticsKey, helloWorldDocId))

Marking screenshots

Add .captureRoboImage(<filename>) to any compose onNode() result to take a screenshot there. For example, to capture a screenshot of the HelloWorld doc, add this:

    .onNode(SemanticsMatcher.expectValue(docIdSemanticsKey, helloWorldDocId))

All tests should output images to <package>/src/testDebug/roborazzi. They should also capture an image of the last state of the test. These can be accomplished with a RoborazziRule, see reference-apps/helloworld/src/testDebug/kotlin/RenderHelloWorld.kt for the current options used. Copy that code block into any tests you create that use Roborazzi, otherwise the screenshots will be saved in the default Roborazzi location.

Remember, screenshots are only captured when running ./gradlew recordRoborazziDebug and checked when running ./gradlew verifyRoborazziDebug.

Rust tests

Simply run cargo test to run the unit tests for the rust code. There are no integration tests at this time.

Running all tests

The ./dev-scripts/ script will trigger all tests in the repo. This script must pass before a release candidate can be cut.


  • Make sure your system can run Android Emulators
  • Check out the current supported branch of the AAOS Unbundled repo (see the “Check out the Unbundled AAOS Repo” job in .github/workflows/main for the correct branch)
  • Set $FIGMA_ACCESS_TOKEN to your Figma token or have it set in ~/.config/figma_access_token

The test-all script takes an optional -s flag to skip all emulator tests. It’s intended for situations where emulators can’t be started.

What tests to run

Here’s a tl;dr:

To run unit tests

cargo test && ./gradlew test

./gradlew gmdTestQuick

Make sure your saved serialized files (src/main/assets/figma/*) are up to date, then run:

./gradlew verifyRoborazziDebug

If you there are differences and they’re acceptable, run:

./gradlew captureRoborazziDebug

For a reasonable amount of tests that will finish in a reasonable amount of time

cargo test && ./gradlew test gmdTestQuick verifyRoborazziDebug

When your code is ready for review

First run ./dev-scripts/ to make sure everything is formatted.

Then run:
