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This driver supports loading firmware images and optional config data to Intel USB controllers. A number of USB dongles are supported, but likely not all. The initial implementation has been tested on BE200 and AX210 controllers. When using a USB controller, the USB product ID and vendor ID are used to find whether a matching set of firmware image and config data is needed for that specific model. If a match exists, the driver will try load the firmware image and, if needed, config data. Alternatively, the metadata property driver=intel may be specified in a transport name to force that driver to be used (ex: usb:[driver=intel]0 instead of just usb:0 for the first USB device). The driver will look for the firmware and config files by name, in order, in:

  • The directory specified by the environment variable BUMBLE_INTEL_FIRMWARE_DIR if set.
  • The directory <package-dir>/drivers/intel_fw where <package-dir> is the directory where the bumble package is installed.
  • The current directory.

It is also possible to override or extend the config data with parameters passed via the transport name. The driver name intel may be suffixed with /<param:value>[+<param:value>]... The supported params are: * ddc_addon: configuration data to add to the data loaded from the config data file * ddc_override: configuration data to use instead of the data loaded from the config data file.

With both dcc_addon and dcc_override, the param value is a hex-encoded byte array containing the config data (same format as the config file). Example transport name: usb:[driver=intel/dcc_addon:03E40200]0

Obtaining Firmware Images and Config Data

Firmware images and config data may be obtained from a variety of online sources. To facilitate finding a downloading the, the utility program bumble-intel-fw-download may be used.

Usage: bumble-intel-fw-download [OPTIONS]

  Download Intel firmware images and configs.

  --output-dir TEXT        Output directory where the files will be saved.
                           Defaults to the OS-specific app data dir, which the
                           driver will check when trying to find firmware
  --source [linux-kernel]  [default: linux-kernel]
  --single TEXT            Only download a single image set, by its base name
  --force                  Overwrite files if they already exist
  --help                   Show this message and exit.


The bumble-intel-util utility may be used to interact with an Intel USB controller.

Usage: bumble-intel-util [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...

  --help  Show this message and exit.

  bootloader  Reboot in bootloader mode.
  info        Get the firmware info.
  load        Load a firmware image.