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This application allows using an android phone's built-in Bluetooth controller with a Bumble host stack running outside the phone (typically a development laptop or desktop). The app runs an HCI proxy between a TCP socket on the "outside" and the Bluetooth HCI HAL on the "inside". (See this page for a high level description of the Android Bluetooth HCI HAL). The HCI packets received on the TCP socket are forwarded to the phone's controller, and the packets coming from the controller are forwarded to the TCP socket.


You can build the app by running ./gradlew build (use gradlew.bat on Windows) from the extras/android/RemoteHCI top level directory. You can also build with Android Studio: open the RemoteHCI project. You can build and/or debug from there.

If the build succeeds, you can find the app APKs (debug and release) at:

  • [Release] app/build/outputs/apk/release/app-release-unsigned.apk
  • [Debug] app/build/outputs/apk/debug/app-debug.apk



In the following examples, it is assumed that shell commands are executed while in the app's root directory, extras/android/RemoteHCI. If you are in a different directory, adjust the relative paths accordingly.


When the proxy starts (tapping the "Start" button in the app's main activity, or running the proxy from an adb shell command line), it will try to bind to the Bluetooth HAL. This requires that there is no other HAL client, and requires certain privileges. For running as a regular app, this requires disabling SELinux temporarily. For running as a command-line executable, this just requires a root shell.

Root Shell

Restart adb as root

$ adb root

Disabling SELinux

Binding to the Bluetooth HCI HAL requires certain SELinux permissions that can't simply be changed on a device without rebuilding its system image. To bypass these restrictions, you will need to disable SELinux on your phone (please be aware that this is global, not just for the proxy app, so proceed with caution). In order to disable SELinux, you need to root the phone (it may be advisable to do this on a development phone).

Disabling SELinux Temporarily

Restart adb as root:

$ adb root

Then disable SELinux

$ adb shell setenforce 0

Once you're done using the proxy, you can restore SELinux, if you need to, with

$ adb shell setenforce 1

This state will also reset to the normal SELinux enforcement when you reboot.

Stopping the bluetooth process

Since the Bluetooth HAL service can only accept one client, and that in normal conditions that client is the Android's bluetooth stack, it is required to first shut down the Android bluetooth stack process.

Checking if the Bluetooth process is running

$ adb shell "ps -A | grep"
If the process is running, you will get a line like:
bluetooth 10759 876 17455796 136620 do_epoll_wait 0 S
If you don't, it means that the process is not running and you are clear to proceed.

Simply turning Bluetooth off from the phone's settings does not ensure that the bluetooth process will exit. If the bluetooth process is still running after toggling Bluetooth off from the settings, you may try enabling Airplane Mode, then rebooting. The bluetooth process should, in theory, not restart after the reboot.

Stopping the bluetooth process with adb

$ adb shell cmd bluetooth_manager disable

Running as a command line app

You push the built APK to a temporary location on the phone's filesystem, then launch the command line executable with an adb shell command.

Pushing the executable

$ adb push app/build/outputs/apk/release/app-release-unsigned.apk /data/local/tmp/remotehci.apk
Do this every time you rebuild. Alternatively, you can push the debug APK instead:
$ adb push app/build/outputs/apk/debug/app-debug.apk /data/local/tmp/remotehci.apk

Start the proxy from the command line

adb shell "CLASSPATH=/data/local/tmp/remotehci.apk app_process /system/bin"
This will run the proxy, listening on the default TCP port. If you want a different port, pass it as a command line parameter

Start the proxy from the command line with a specific TCP port

adb shell "CLASSPATH=/data/local/tmp/remotehci.apk app_process /system/bin 12345"

Running as a normal app

You can start the app from the Android launcher, from Android Studio, or with adb

Launching from the launcher

Just tap the app icon on the launcher, check the TCP port that is configured, and tap the "Start" button.

Launching with adb

Using the am command, you can start the activity, and pass it arguments so that you can automatically start the proxy, and/or set the port number.

Launching from adb with auto-start

$ adb shell am start -n --ez autostart true

Launching from adb with auto-start and a port

In this example, we auto-start the proxy upon launch, with the port set to 9995

$ adb shell am start -n --ez autostart true --ei port 9995

Selecting a TCP port

The RemoteHCI app's main activity has a "TCP Port" setting where you can change the port on which the proxy is accepting connections. If the default value isn't suitable, you can change it there (you can also use the special value 0 to let the OS assign a port number for you).

Connecting to the proxy

To connect the Bumble stack to the proxy, you need to be able to reach the phone's network stack. This can be done over the phone's WiFi connection, or, alternatively, using an adb TCP forward (which should be faster than over WiFi).

Forwarding TCP with adb

To connect to the proxy via an adb TCP forward, use:

$ adb forward tcp:<outside-port> tcp:<inside-port>
Where <outside-port> is the port number for a listening socket on your laptop or desktop machine, and is the TCP port selected in the app's user interface. Those two ports may be the same, of course. For example, with the default TCP port 9993:
$ adb forward tcp:9993 tcp:9993

Once you've ensured that you can reach the proxy's TCP port on the phone, either directly or via an adb forward, you can then use it as a Bumble transport, using the transport name: tcp-client:<host>:<port> syntax.

Connecting a Bumble client

Connecting the bumble-controller-info app to the phone's controller. Assuming you have set up an adb forward on port 9993:

$ bumble-controller-info tcp-client:localhost:9993

Or over WiFi with, in this example, the IP address of the phone being

$ bumble-controller-info tcp-client: