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This Android app that is compatible with the Bumble bench command line app. This app can be used to test the throughput and latency between two Android devices, or between an Android device and another device running the Bumble bench app. Only the RFComm Client, RFComm Server, L2CAP Client and L2CAP Server modes are supported.


You can build the app by running ./gradlew build (use gradlew.bat on Windows) from the BtBench top level directory. You can also build with Android Studio: open the BtBench project. You can build and/or debug from there.

If the build succeeds, you can find the app APKs (debug and release) at:

  • [Release] app/build/outputs/apk/release/app-release-unsigned.apk
  • [Debug] app/build/outputs/apk/debug/app-debug.apk


Starting the app

You can start the app from the Android launcher, from Android Studio, or with adb

Launching from the launcher

Just tap the app icon on the launcher, check the parameters, and tap one of the benchmark action buttons.

Launching with adb

Using the am command, you can start the activity, and pass it arguments so that you can automatically start the benchmark test, and/or set the parameters.

Parameter Name Parameter Type Description
autostart String Benchmark to start. (rfcomm-client, rfcomm-server, l2cap-client or l2cap-server)
packet-count Integer Number of packets to send (rfcomm-client and l2cap-client only)
packet-size Integer Number of bytes per packet (rfcomm-client and l2cap-client only)
peer-bluetooth-address Integer Peer Bluetooth address to connect to (rfcomm-client and l2cap-client

Launching from adb with auto-start

In this example, we auto-start the Rfcomm Server bench action.

$ adb shell am start -n --es autostart rfcomm-server

Launching from adb with auto-start and some parameters

In this example, we auto-start the Rfcomm Client bench action, set the packet count to 100, and the packet size to 1024, and connect to DA:4C:10:DE:17:02

$ adb shell am start -n --es autostart rfcomm-client --ei packet-count 100 --ei packet-size 1024 --es peer-bluetooth-address DA:4C:10:DE:17:02

Selecting a Peer Bluetooth Address

The app's main activity has a "Peer Bluetooth Address" setting where you can change the address.

Bluetooth Address for L2CAP vs RFComm

For BLE (L2CAP mode), the address of a device typically changes regularly (it is randomized for privacy), whereas the Bluetooth Classic addresses will remain the same (RFComm mode). If two devices are paired and bonded, then they will each "see" a non-changing address for each other even with BLE (Resolvable Private Address)