

Provided By
All Implemented Interfaces

A history management object. Can be instantiated in user-visible mode (uses the address fragment to manage state) or in hidden mode. This object should be created from a script in the document body before the document has finished loading.

To store the hidden states in browsers other than IE, a hidden iframe is used. It must point to a valid html page on the same domain (which can and probably should be blank.)

Sample instantiation and usage:

 // Instantiate history to use the address bar for state.
 var h = new goog.History();, goog.history.EventType.NAVIGATE, navCallback);

 // Any changes to the location hash will call the following function.
 function navCallback(e) {
   alert('Navigated to state "' + e.token + '"');

 // The history token can also be set from code directly.

new History( opt_invisible, opt_blankPageUrl, opt_input, opt_iframe )


True to use hidden history states instead of the user-visible location hash.


A URL to a blank page on the same server. Required if opt_invisible is true. This URL is also used as the src for the iframe used to track history state in IE (if not specified the iframe is not given a src attribute). Access is Denied error may occur in IE7 if the window's URL's scheme is https, and this URL is not specified.


The hidden input element to be used to store the history token. If not provided, a hidden input element will be created using document.write.


The hidden iframe that will be used by IE for pushing history state changes, or by all browsers if opt_invisible is true. If not provided, a hidden iframe element will be created using document.write.

Instance Methods

Instance Properties

Static Functions

Static Properties

