goog.labs.format.csv.ParseErrorProvided Bygoog.labs.format.csv.ParseErrorExtendsgoog.debug.ErrorErrorError thrown when parsing fails. new ParseError( text, index, opt_message )ParameterstextstringThe CSV source text being parsed. indexnumberThe index, in the string, of the position of the error. opt_messagestring=A description of the violated parse expectation. VIEW SOURCEInstance Propertiesexpand_morethis.cause → ?New in ES 2022, adds a cause to the error which is useful for chaining errors Defined bygoog.debug.ErrorOverridesErrorVIEW SOURCEexpand_morethis.description → stringIE-only. Defined byErrorSee Also expand_morethis.fileName → stringMozilla-only Defined byErrorSee Also expand_morethis.lineNumber → numberMozilla-only. Defined byErrorSee Also expand_morethis.message → stringDefined bygoog.debug.ErrorOverridesErrorVIEW → stringDefined bygoog.debug.ErrorOverridesErrorVIEW SOURCEexpand_morethis.position → ({column: number, line: number}|null)No information.VIEW SOURCEexpand_morethis.reportErrorToServer → booleanWhether to report this error to the server. Setting this to false will cause the error reporter to not report the error back to the server, which can be useful if the client knows that the error has already been logged on the server. VIEW SOURCEexpand_morethis.sourceURL → ?Doesn't seem to exist, but closure/debug.js references it. expand_morethis.stack → stringDefined bygoog.debug.ErrorOverridesErrorVIEW SOURCE