The event object dispatched by DragListGroup.
The fields draggerElCenter, hoverList, and hoverNextItem are only available
new DragListGroupEvent( type, dragListGroup, event, currDragItem, draggerEl, dragger, opt_draggerElCenter, opt_hoverList, opt_hoverNextItem )
Parameters | type | goog.fx.DragListGroup.EventType | | dragListGroup | (goog.fx.DragListGroup|null) | | A reference to the associated
DragListGroup object.
| event | (|goog.fx.DragEvent|null) | | The event fired
by the browser or fired by the dragger.
| currDragItem | (Element|null) | | The current drag item being moved.
| draggerEl | (Element|null) | | The clone of the current drag item that's actually
being dragged around.
| dragger | (goog.fx.Dragger|null) | | The dragger object.
| opt_draggerElCenter | (goog.math.Coordinate|null)= | | The current center
position of the draggerEl.
| opt_hoverList | (Element|null)= | | The current drag list that's being hovered
over, or null if the center of draggerEl is outside of any drag lists.
If not null and the drag action ends right now, then currDragItem will
end up in this list.
| opt_hoverNextItem | (Element|null)= | | The current next item in the hoverList
that the draggerEl is hovering over. (I.e. If the drag action ends
right now, then this item would become the next item after the new
location of currDragItem.) May be null if not applicable or if
currDragItem would be added to the end of hoverList.