goog.testing.TestQueueProvided Bygoog.testing.TestQueueGeneric queue for writing unit tests new TestQueue()ParametersNone.VIEW SOURCEInstance Methodsexpand_morethis.dequeue( opt_comment ) → (Object|null)Gets the next event from the queue. Throws an exception if the queue is empty. Parametersopt_commentstring=Comment if the queue is empty. Returns(Object|null)The next event from the queue. VIEW SOURCEexpand_morethis.enqueue( event ) → voidAdds a new event onto the queue. Parametersevent(Object|null)The event to queue. VIEW SOURCEexpand_morethis.isEmpty() → booleanReturns whether the queue is empty. ParametersNone.ReturnsbooleanWhether the queue is empty. VIEW SOURCE