

Array of arrays of CSS classes that we want composite classes added and removed for in IE6 and lower as a workaround for lack of multi-class CSS selector support.

Subclasses that have accompanying CSS requiring this workaround should define their own static IE6_CLASS_COMBINATIONS constant and override getIe6ClassCombinations to return it.

For example, if your stylesheet uses the selector .button.collapse-left (and is compiled to .button_collapse-left for the IE6 version of the stylesheet,) you should include ['button', 'collapse-left'] in this array and the class button_collapse-left will be applied to the root element whenever both button and collapse-left are applied individually.

Members of each class name combination will be joined with underscores in the order that they're defined in the array. You should alphabetize them (for compatibility with the CSS compiler) unless you are doing something special.