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Constructs an object that waits on the results of multiple asynchronous operations and marshals the results. It is itself a Deferred, and may have an execution sequence of callback functions added to it. Each DeferredList instance is single use and may be fired only once.

The default behavior of a DeferredList is to wait for a success or error result from every Deferred in its input list. Once every result is available, the DeferredList's execution sequence is fired with a list of [success, result] array pairs, where success is a boolean indicating whether result was the product of a callback or errback. The list's completion criteria and result list may be modified by setting one or more of the boolean options documented below.

Deferred instances passed into a DeferredList are independent, and may have additional callbacks and errbacks added to their execution sequences after they are passed as inputs to the list.

new DeferredList( list, opt_fireOnOneCallback, opt_fireOnOneErrback, opt_consumeErrors, opt_canceler, opt_defaultScope )


An array of deferred results to wait for.


Whether to stop waiting as soon as one input completes successfully. In this case, the DeferredList's callback chain will be called with a two element array, [index, result], where index identifies which input Deferred produced the successful result.


Whether to stop waiting as soon as one input reports an error. The failing result is passed to the DeferredList's errback sequence.


When true, any errors fired by a Deferred in the input list will be captured and replaced with a succeeding null result. Any callbacks added to the Deferred after its use in the DeferredList will receive null instead of the error.


A function that will be called if the DeferredList is canceled. @see goog.async.Deferred#cancel


The default scope to invoke callbacks or errbacks in.

Instance Methods

Static Functions