goog.tweak.BaseEntryProvided Bygoog.tweak.BaseEntryAll Known Direct Subclassesgoog.tweak.BaseSettinggoog.tweak.ButtonActiongoog.tweak.NamespaceEntry_Base class for all Registry entries. new BaseEntry( id, description )ParametersidstringThe ID for the entry. Must contain only letters, numbers, underscores and periods. descriptionstringA description of what the entry does. VIEW SOURCEInstance Methodsexpand_morethis.addCallback( callback ) → voidAdds a callback that should be called when the setting has changed (or when an action has been clicked). ParameterscallbackFunctionThe callback to add. VIEW SOURCEexpand_morethis.fireCallbacks() → voidCalls all registered callbacks. VIEW SOURCEexpand_morethis.getId() → stringParametersNone.ReturnsstringReturns the entry's ID. VIEW SOURCEexpand_morethis.isRestartRequired() → booleanReturns whether a restart is required for changes to the setting to take effect. ParametersNone.ReturnsbooleanThe value. VIEW SOURCEexpand_morethis.removeCallback( callback ) → voidRemoves a callback that was added by addCallback. ParameterscallbackFunctionThe callback to add. VIEW SOURCEexpand_morethis.setRestartRequired( value ) → voidSets whether a restart is required for changes to the setting to take effect. ParametersvaluebooleanThe new value. VIEW SOURCEInstance Propertiesexpand_morethis.description → stringA description of what this entry does. VIEW SOURCEexpand_morethis.label → stringA descriptive label for the entry. VIEW SOURCEexpand_morethis.logger → (goog.log.Logger|null)The logger for this class. VIEW SOURCE