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Creates a 2D affine transform. An affine transform performs a linear mapping from 2D coordinates to other 2D coordinates that preserves the "straightness" and "parallelness" of lines.

Such a coordinate transformation can be represented by a 3 row by 3 column matrix with an implied last row of [ 0 0 1 ]. This matrix transforms source coordinates (x,y) into destination coordinates (x',y') by considering them to be a column vector and multiplying the coordinate vector by the matrix according to the following process:

      [ x']   [  m00  m01  m02  ] [ x ]   [ m00x + m01y + m02 ]
      [ y'] = [  m10  m11  m12  ] [ y ] = [ m10x + m11y + m12 ]
      [ 1 ]   [   0    0    1   ] [ 1 ]   [         1         ]

This class is optimized for speed and minimizes calculations based on its knowledge of the underlying matrix (as opposed to say simply performing matrix multiplication).

new AffineTransform( opt_m00, opt_m10, opt_m01, opt_m11, opt_m02, opt_m12 )


The m00 coordinate of the transform.


The m10 coordinate of the transform.


The m01 coordinate of the transform.


The m11 coordinate of the transform.


The m02 coordinate of the transform.


The m12 coordinate of the transform.

Instance Methods

Instance Properties

Static Functions