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Wrapper for compile-time-constant strings.

Const is a wrapper for strings that can only be created from program constants (i.e., string literals). This property relies on a custom Closure compiler check that goog.string.Const.from is only invoked on compile-time-constant expressions.

Const is useful in APIs whose correct and secure use requires that certain arguments are not attacker controlled: Compile-time constants are inherently under the control of the application and not under control of external attackers, and hence are safe to use in such contexts.

Instances of this type must be created via its factory method goog.string.Const.from and not by invoking its constructor. The constructor intentionally takes no parameters and the type is immutable; hence only a default instance corresponding to the empty string can be obtained via constructor invocation. Use goog.string.Const.EMPTY instead of using this constructor to get an empty Const string.

new Const( opt_token, opt_content )


package-internal implementation detail.


package-internal implementation detail.

See Also


Instance Methods

Instance Properties

Static Functions

Static Properties
