Provided By | |
Extends | |
All Known Direct Subclasses |
Renders an emoji palette.
new EmojiPaletteRenderer( defaultImgUrl )
Parameters |
Instance Methods
this.buildElementFromSpriteMetadata( dom, spriteInfo, displayUrl ) → HTMLDivElement
Builds the inner contents of a palette item out of sprite metadata.
Parameters |
| ||||||||||||
Returns |
this.canDecorate( element ) → boolean
Overrides goog.ui.ControlRenderer#canDecorate
to always return false.
Defined by | |||||
Overrides | |||||
Parameters |
| ||||
Returns |
this.createCell( node, dom ) → Element
Returns a table cell element (or equivalent) that wraps the given palette item (which must be a DOM node).
Overrides | |||||||||
Parameters |
| ||||||||
Returns |
this.createDom( palette ) → Element
Returns the palette items arranged in a table wrapped in a DIV, with the renderer's own CSS class and additional state-specific classes applied to it.
Defined by | |||||
Overrides | |||||
Parameters |
| ||||
Returns |
this.createGrid( items, size, dom ) → Element
Returns the given items in a table with size.width
columns and
rows. If the table is too big, empty cells will be
created as needed. If the table is too small, the items that don't fit
will not be rendered.
Defined by | |||||||||||||
Parameters |
| ||||||||||||
Returns |
this.createPaletteItem( dom, id, spriteInfo, displayUrl ) → HTMLDivElement
Creates a palette item from the given emoji data.
Parameters |
| ||||||||||||||||
Returns |
this.createRow( cells, dom ) → Element
Returns a table row element (or equivalent) that wraps the given cells.
Defined by | |||||||||
Parameters |
| ||||||||
Returns |
this.createTable( rows, dom ) → Element
Returns a table element (or equivalent) that wraps the given rows.
Defined by | |||||||||
Parameters |
| ||||||||
Returns |
this.decorate( palette, element ) → null
Overrides goog.ui.ControlRenderer#decorate
to be a no-op, since
palettes don't support the decorate flow (for now).
Defined by | |||||||||
Overrides | |||||||||
Parameters |
| ||||||||
Returns |
this.enableClassName( control, className, enable ) → void
Updates the control's DOM by adding or removing the specified class name to/from its root element. May add additional combined classes as needed in IE6 and lower. Because of this, subclasses should use this method when modifying class names on the control's root element.
Defined by | |||||||||||||
Parameters |
this.enableExtraClassName( control, className, enable ) → void
Updates the control's DOM by adding or removing the specified extra class name to/from its element.
Defined by | |||||||||||||
Parameters |
this.getAriaRole() → (goog.a11y.aria.Role|undefined)
Returns the ARIA role to be applied to the control. See http://wiki/Main/ARIA for more info.
Defined by | |||
Parameters | None. | ||
Returns |
this.getCellForItem( node ) → (Element|null)
Defined by | |||||
Parameters |
| ||||
Returns |
this.getClassForState( state ) → (string|undefined)
Takes a single goog.ui.Component.State
, and returns the
corresponding CSS class name (null if none).
Defined by | |||||
Parameters |
| ||||
Returns |
Returns all CSS class names applicable to the given control, based on its state. The return value is an array of strings containing
- the renderer-specific CSS class returned by
, followed by - the structural CSS class returned by
(if different from the renderer-specific CSS class), followed by - any state-specific classes returned by
, followed by - any extra classes returned by the control's `getExtraClassNames` method and
- for IE6 and lower, additional combined classes from
Defined by | |||||
Parameters |
| ||||
Returns |
Takes a bit mask of goog.ui.Component.State
s, and returns an array
of the appropriate class names representing the given state, suitable to be
applied to the root element of a component rendered using this renderer, or
null if no state-specific classes need to be applied. This default
implementation uses the renderer's getClassForState
method to
generate each state-specific class.
Defined by | |||||
Parameters |
| ||||
Returns |
this.getContainingItem( palette, node ) → (Node|null)
Returns the item corresponding to the given node, or null if the node is neither a palette cell nor part of a palette item.
Overrides | |||||||||
Parameters |
| ||||||||
Returns |
this.getContentElement( element ) → (Element|null)
Takes the control's root element and returns the parent element of the control's contents. Since by default controls are rendered as a single DIV, the default implementation returns the element itself. Subclasses with more complex DOM structures must override this method as needed.
Defined by | |||||
Parameters |
| ||||
Returns |
this.getCssClass() → string
Returns the CSS class to be applied to the root element of components rendered using this renderer.
Defined by | |||
Overrides | |||
Parameters | None. | ||
Returns |
Returns an array of combinations of classes to apply combined class names for
in IE6 and below. See IE6_CLASS_COMBINATIONS
for more detail. This
method doesn't reference IE6_CLASS_COMBINATIONS
so that it can be
compiled out, but subclasses should return their IE6_CLASS_COMBINATIONS
static constant instead.
Defined by | |||
Parameters | None. | ||
Returns |
this.getKeyEventTarget( control ) → (Element|null)
Returns the element within the component's DOM that should receive keyboard focus (null if none). The default implementation returns the control's root element.
Defined by | |||||
Parameters |
| ||||
Returns |
this.getStateFromClass( className ) → goog.ui.Component.State
Takes a single CSS class name which may represent a component state, and returns the corresponding component state (0x00 if none).
Defined by | |||||
Parameters |
| ||||
Returns |
this.getStructuralCssClass() → string
Returns the name of a DOM structure-specific CSS class to be applied to the
root element of all components rendered or decorated using this renderer.
Unlike the class name returned by #getCssClass
, the structural class
name may be shared among different renderers that generate similar DOM
structures. The structural class name also serves as the basis of derived
class names used to identify and style structural elements of the control's
DOM, as well as the basis for state-specific class names. The default
implementation returns the same class name as #getCssClass
, but
subclasses are expected to override this method as needed.
Defined by | |||
Parameters | None. | ||
Returns |
this.highlightCell( palette, node, highlight ) → void
Updates the highlight styling of the palette cell containing the given node based on the value of the Boolean argument.
Defined by | |||||||||||||
Parameters |
this.initializeDom( control ) → void
Initializes the control's DOM by configuring properties that can only be set
after the DOM has entered the document. This implementation sets up BiDi
and keyboard focus. Called from goog.ui.Control#enterDocument
Defined by | |||||
Parameters |
this.isFocusable( control ) → boolean
Returns true if the control's key event target supports keyboard focus
(based on its tabIndex
attribute), false otherwise.
Defined by | |||||
Parameters |
| ||||
Returns |
this.selectCell( palette, node, select ) → void
Updates the selection styling of the palette cell containing the given node based on the value of the Boolean argument.
Defined by | |||||||||||||
Parameters |
this.setAllowTextSelection( element, allow ) → void
Allows or disallows text selection within the control's DOM.
Defined by | |||||||||
Parameters |
this.setAriaLabel( element, ariaLabel ) → void
Sets the element's ARIA label. This should be overriden by subclasses that don't apply the role directly on control.element_.
Defined by | |||||||||
Parameters |
this.setAriaRole( element, opt_preferredRole ) → void
Sets the element's ARIA role.
Defined by | |||||||||
Parameters |
this.setAriaStates( control, element ) → void
Sets the element's ARIA attributes, including distinguishing between universally supported ARIA properties and ARIA states that are only supported by certain ARIA roles. Only attributes which are initialized to be true will be set.
Defined by | |||||||||
Parameters |
this.setContent( element, content ) → void
Overrides goog.ui.ControlRenderer#setContent
for palettes. Locates
the HTML table representing the palette grid, and replaces the contents of
each cell with a new element from the array of nodes passed as the second
argument. If the new content has too many items the table will have more
rows added to fit, if there are less items than the table has cells, then the
left over cells will be empty.
Defined by | |||||||||
Overrides | |||||||||
Parameters |
this.setFocusable( control, focusable ) → void
Updates the control's key event target to make it focusable or non-focusable
via its tabIndex
attribute. Does nothing if the control doesn't
support the FOCUSED
state, or if it has no key event target.
Defined by | |||||||||
Parameters |
this.setRightToLeft( element, rightToLeft ) → void
Applies special styling to/from the control's element if it is rendered right-to-left, and removes it if it is rendered left-to-right.
Defined by | |||||||||
Parameters |
this.setState( control, state, enable ) → void
Updates the appearance of the control in response to a state change.
Defined by | |||||||||||||
Parameters |
this.setVisible( element, visible ) → void
Shows or hides the element.
Defined by | |||||||||
Parameters |
this.updateAnimatedPaletteItem( item, animatedImg ) → void
Modifies a palette item containing an animated emoji, in response to the animated emoji being successfully downloaded.
Parameters |
this.updateAriaState( element, state, enable ) → void
Updates the element's ARIA (accessibility) attributes , including distinguishing between universally supported ARIA properties and ARIA states that are only supported by certain ARIA roles.
Defined by | |||||||||||||
Parameters |
Static Functions
EmojiPaletteRenderer.getCssClass() → void
No information.