

Module ID

Constructs a DateIntervalFormat object based on the current locale.

new DateIntervalFormat( pattern, opt_dateIntervalSymbols, opt_dateTimeSymbols )

pattern(number|Object<string, string>)

Pattern specification or pattern object.

opt_dateIntervalSymbols{FALLBACK: string, FULL_DATE: Object<string, string>, FULL_DATETIME: Object<string, string>, FULL_TIME: Object<string, string>, LONG_DATE: Object<string, string>, LONG_DATETIME: Object<string, string>, LONG_TIME: Object<string, string>, MEDIUM_DATE: Object<string, string>, MEDIUM_DATETIME: Object<string, string>, MEDIUM_TIME: Object<string, string>, SHORT_DATE: Object<string, string>, SHORT_DATETIME: Object<string, string>, SHORT_TIME: Object<string, string>}=

Optional DateIntervalSymbols to use for this instance rather than the global symbols.


Optional DateTimeSymbols to use for this instance rather than the global symbols.

Instance Methods