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Bytecode interpreter

DSLX provides a bytecode interpreter for expression evaluation. This style of interpreter can be started, stopped, and resumed more easily than an AST-walking native interpreter, as its full state can be captured as {PC, stack} instead of some traversal state in native execution, which makes it very suitable for modeling independent processes, such as Procs.


The bytecode interpreter system is under active construction and does not yet support the full set of DSLX functionality.


The interpreter is implemented as a stack virtual machine: it consists of a program counter (PC), a stack of frames, and "slot"-based locals within a given stack frame (conceptually part of the stack frame, but tracked separately in our implementation). Both the stack and local storage hold InterpValues, which can hold all DSLX data types: bits, tuples, and arrays (and others), thus there is no fundamental need for lower-level (i.e., byte) type representation. For the purposes of [de]serialization, this may change in the future. Local data is addressed by integer-typed "slots", being backed by a simple std::vector: in other words, slot indices are dense. All slots must be pre-allocated to contain all references to locals in the current function stack frame.

On each "tick", the interpreter reads the current instruction, as given by the PC (conceptually, the only register in the virtual machine), executes the described operation (usually consuming values from the stack), and places the result on the stack.


Each instruction consists of an opcode plus, optionally, some piece of data, either int64- or InterpValue-typed, depending on the specific opcode.

The below opcodes are supported by the interpreter:

  • ADD: Adds the two values at the top of the stack.
  • CALL: Invokes the function given as the optional data argument, consuming a number of arguments from the stack as described by the function signature. The N'th parameter will be present as the N'th value down the stack (such that the last parameter will be the value initially on top of the stack.
  • CREATE_TUPLE: Groups together N items on the stack (given by the optional data argument into a single InterpValue.
  • EXPAND_TUPLE: Expands the N-tuple at stack top by one level, placing leading elements at stack top. In other words, expanding the tuple (a, (b, c)) will result in a stack of (b, c), a, where a is on top of the stack.
  • EQ: Compares the two values on top of the stack for equality. Emits a single-bit value.
  • LOAD: Loads the value from locals slot n, where n is given by the optional data argument.
  • LITERAL: Places a literal value (given in the optional data argument) on top of the stack.
  • STORE: Stores the value at stack top into slot n in locals storage.

Bytecode generation

The bytecode emitter is responsible for converting a set of DSLX ASTs (one per function)) into a set of linear bytecode representations. It does this via a postorder traversal of the AST, converting XLS ops into bytecode instructions along the way, e.g., converting a DSLX Binop for adding two NameRefs into two LOAD instructions (one for each NameRef) and one ADD instruction.

To do this, the emitter needs access to the full set of resolved type and import information: in other words, it requires a fully-populated ImportData and the top-level TypeInfo for the module containing the function to convert. This places bytecode emission in sequence after typechecking and deduction.

Implementation details

map builtin

The map() function built-in to DSLX accepts an array-typed value x and a mapping function f with the signature T -> U; that is, it accepts a single value of type T and returns a single value with the type U. In operation, map() applies the mapping function f to every element in x and returns a new array containing the results (with element i in the output corresponding to element i in the input).

Conceptually, map() destructures to a for loop over the elements in x, and that's essentially what the interpreter does with these opcodes. To avoid modifying the currently executing bytecode, the interpreter instead creates a new BytecodeFunction consisting of just that destructured for loop over the inputs, followed by a CreateArray op to collect the output(s). Finally, the interpreter begins execution of the new function by creating a new Frame on top of the execution stack.