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IR JIT Compiler

XLS provides a JIT compiler for evaluating functions written in the [XLS] compiler intermediate representation (IR) at native machine speed.


Given a DSLX file and build target, one can build and run it through the JIT by:

  1. Declaring a cc_xls_ir_jit_wrapper target matching the DSLX build target.
  2. Creating a JIT object and calling its Run() method. Using the 2-way floating-point adder as an example:
     # include "xls/modules/fpadd_2x24_jit_wrapper.h"
     absl::StatusOr<Value> foo(Value a, Value b) {
       // Only create this once and re-use it; it's created here just as
       // an illustration.
       XLS_ASSIGN_OR_RETURN(Fpadd2x32 adder, Fpadd2x32::Create()); return
       adder.Run(a, b);

The advantages of JIT compilation (or any compilation, for that matter) only come into play when repeatedly using the compiled object, so programs should be structured to create a JIT wrapper once and to reuse it many times, e.g., to test a module across many - or even exhaustively, across all possible - inputs.

Specialized matching

In many cases, the types used by DSLX designs map to native types, such as the C/C++ float. In that case, a simplified wrapper call is available:

#include "xls/modules/fpadd_2x24_jit_wrapper.h"

absl::StatusOr<float> foo(float a, float b) {
  // Only create this once and re-use it; it's created here just as
  // an illustration.
  XLS_ASSIGN_OR_RETURN(Fpadd2x32 adder, Fpadd2x32::Create());
  return adder.Run(a, b);

When available, these simplified wrappers should be used for higher performance (~30% in our measured cases). Currently, floats and integral types >= 64 bits in this way. For non-native integral types, the generated wrapper will accept the next larger native type e.g., uint64_t for bits[47]. Proper operation with next-larger types depends on the input value being present in the least-significant bits of the containing type.

These are higher performance because they avoid unnecessary marshaling of these types into Views (e.g., a float outside the JIT -> View -> float inside the JIT).

Direct usage

The JIT is also available as a library with a straightforward interface:

absl::StatusOr<Value> RunOnJit(
    Function* function, absl::Span<const Value> args) {
  XLS_ASSIGN_OR_RETURN(auto jit, FunctionJit::Create(function));
  return jit->Run(args);

The IR JIT is the default backend for the eval_ir_main tool, which loads IR from disk and runs with args present on either the command line or in a specified file.


Internally, the JIT converts XLS IR to LLVM IR and uses LLVM's ORC infrastructure to convert that into native machine code. The details of compiling an LLVM IR program with ORC are mostly generic and are available online - here are discussed details specific to our usage in XLS.

XLS IR is converted to LLVM IR by recursively visiting every node in a function using the DfsVisitor functions. Most nodes have relatively straightforward implementations, e.g., in Concat, we create an empty value with the combined width of the operands, and each is shifted and blitted into that value to produce the result. Some operations, though, merit more discussion.

Arg passing

When LLVM JIT-compiles a program, the resulting value is simply a function pointer to the requested entry point (that can be called like any function pointer). Calling such a function pointer with concrete-typed arguments, though, is difficult: one must either make heavy [ab]use of C++ templates or "hide" the argument types behind an opaque pointer. The latter approach is taken here.

When a compiled function is invoked (via FunctionJit::Run()), the typed input args are "packed" into an opaque byte buffer which is passed into the new function. Inside there, any references to an argument (via DfsVisitor::HandleParam()) calculate the offset of that param in the opaque buffer and load from there appropriately (this should happen at most once per arg; LLVM and/or XLS should optimize away redundant loads).

A special case is for function invocations (inside the JITted function): for these, the arguments already exist inside "LLVM-space", so there's no need for unpacking args, so LlvmFunction::getArg() can be used as usual.

Results must be handled in a similar way - they could be of any type and will need to be packed inside XLS types before returning, so there's a corresponding argument unpacking phase at function exit.

For both packing and unpacking, LLVM's DataLayout must be used to determining where input and output values will be placed, as LLVM will use those conventions when, e.g., loading values from a struct.


IRBuilder provides three means of extracting values from an aggregate type:

  1. CreateGEP: these use the getelementptr instruction, which requires a pointer-typed value (not the same thing as an array!). This requires holding a value in a specially-created allocation (via CreateAlloca() or in an input buffer).
  2. CreateExtractElement: returns the value at a given index in a vector-typed value.
  3. CreateExtractValue: returns the value at a given constant index in an aggregate value.

Unfortunately, #2 doesn't apply, as arrays aren't LLVM vectors, and #3 doesn't apply, as an array index isn't necessarily a constant value. Uniformly managing arrays as allocas doesn't scale well (consider the case of arrays of arrays of tuples...), so for ArrayIndex nodes, we lazily create allocas for only the array of interest and load the requested index from there.