DSLX: Type System
The DSL (frontend) performs a few primary tasks:
- Parsing text files to an AST representation.
- Typechecking the AST representation.
- Conversion of the AST to bytecode that can be interpreted.
- Conversion of the AST to XLS IR (from which it can be interpreted or optimized or scheduled or code generated, etc.)
Note that step #2 is an essential component for steps #3 and #4 -- the type information computed in the type checking process is used by the bytecode emission/evaluation and IR conversion processes.
(You could imagine a bytecode interpreter that did not use any pre-computed type information and tried to derive it all dynamically, but that is not how the system is set up -- using the type information from typechecking time avoids redundant work and replication of similar code in a way that could get out of sync.)
Aside: bytecode emission/interpretation may also be necessary for constexpr (compile-time constant) evaluation, and so #2 and #3 will be interleaved to some degree.
Parametric Instantiation
The most interesting thing that happens in the type system, and one of the main things that the DSL provides as a useful abstraction on top of XLS IR, is parametric instantiation. This is where users write a parameterized function (or proc) and instantiate it with particular concrete parmeters; e.g.
// A parametric (identity) function.
fn p<N: u32>(x: bits[N]) -> bits[N] { x }
fn main() -> u8 {
p(u8:42) // Instantiates p with N=8
fn test_main() { assert_eq(main(), u8:42) }
This allows us to write more generic code as library-style functions, which dovetails nicely with the facilities that XLS core has to schedule and optimize across cycles.
With parametric instantiation as a feature, several questions around the nature of the parameterized definition are raised; e.g.
- When
is defined with a parametricN
, should we check that the definition has no type errors "for all N"? (Note: we do not.) - If
is not instantiated anywhere, do we check thatp
has no type errors for "there exists some N"? (Note: we do not.)
These relate to the "laziness" of parametric instantiation. As a historical example for comparison, C++ originally had template definitions as token substitutions, not even ensuring that the definition could parse, more akin to syntactic macros.
Typechecked on Instantiation
In the DSL, as noted above, the definitions of parametric instances are parsed, but not typechecked until instantiation, and errors are raised if the concrete set of parameterized values cause a type error during instantiation. That is:
fn p<N: u32>() -> bits[N] {
N() // type error on instantiation: cannot invoke a number
If there is no instantiation of p
, this definition will parse, but the type
error will go unreported, because it is never instantiated, and thus never type
checked. If another function were to instantiate it by calling p
, however, a
type error would occur due to that instantiation.
Similarly, we can consider a definition that does not work "for all N", but
works "for one N", and that's the only N
we instantiate it with.
fn p<N: u32>() -> bits[N] {
const_assert!(N == u32:42);
fn main() -> u42 {
p<u32:42>() // this is fine
Parametric Evaluation Ordering
There are three components to parametric invocations. (Note: "binding" refers to the assignment of a value to each named parameter.)
- Binding explicit values (given in angle brackets, i.e.
) given in the caller - Binding actual arguments (passed by the caller) against the parametric bindings
- Filling in any "remaining holes" in the parametric bindings using default expressions in the parametric bindings
The three components are performed in that order.
1: Binding Explicit Values
In this example:
fn p<A: u32, B: u32>() -> (bits[A], bits[B]) { (bits[A]:42, bits[B]:64) }
fn main() -> (u8, u16) { p<u32:8, u32:16>() }
The caller main
explicitly binds the parametrics A
and B
by supplying
arguments in the angle brackets.
2: Binding Actual Arguments
In this example:
fn p<A: u32>(x: bits[A]) -> bits[A] { x + bits[A]:1 }
fn main() -> u13 { p(u13:42) }
fn test_main() { assert_eq(main(), u13:43) }
is implicitly saying what A
must be by passing a u13
-- we know that
the parameter to p
is declared to be a bits[A]
, so we know that A
must be
since a u13
was passed as the "actual" argument (i.e. argument value from
the caller).
Note that if you contradict an explicit binding and a binding from actual arguments, you will get a type error; e.g. this will cause a type error:
fn main() -> u13 {
p<u32:14>(u13:42) // explicit says 14 bits, actual arg is 13 bits
3: Default Expressions
In this example:
fn p<A: u32, B: u32 = {A + A}>(x: bits[A]) -> bits[B] { x as bits[B] }
fn main() -> u32 { p(u16:42) }
fn test_main() { assert_eq(main(), u32:42); }
is implicitly saying what A
must be by passing a u16
; however, B
not specified; neither by an explicit parametric value (i.e. in <>
in the
caller), nor implicitly by an actual arg that was passed. As a result, we go
evaluate the default expression for the parametric, and populate B
with the
result of the expression A+A
. Since A
is 16
, B
is 32
Aside: Earlier Bindings in Later Types
Note: this is not generally necessary to know to use parametrics effectively, but is useful in thinking through the design and power of parametric instantiation.
One consequence of the ordering defined is that earlier parametric bindings can be used to define the types of later parametric bindings; e.g.
fn p<A: u32, B: bits[A] = {bits[A]:0}>() -> bits[A] { B }
fn main() -> u8 { p<u32:8>() }
fn test_main() { assert_eq(main(), u8:0) }
Note that main
uses an explicit parametric to define A
as 8
. Then the
type of B
is defined based on the value of A
; i.e. the type of B is
defined to be u8
as a result, and the value of B
is defined to be a u8:0
This is interesting because we used an earlier parametric binding to define a
later parametric binding's type.