[xls/contrib] Tutorial: XLS[cc] channels.
This tutorial is aimed at walking you through the implementation and synthesis into Verilog of a sequential C++ block containing channels.
Introduction to channels.
XLS implements channels via a FIFO-based (ready/valid/data) interface.
In C++, these channels are provided by a built-in template class called
supporting the two methods: read()
and write(val)
It can be aliased to the desired name like this:
template<typename T>
using OutputChannel = __xls_channel<T, __xls_channel_dir_Out>;
template<typename T>
using InputChannel = __xls_channel<T, __xls_channel_dir_In>;
An example of a usage is below, which reads an integer on the input channel, multiplies it by 3, and writes it to the output channel.
class TestBlock {
InputChannel<int> in;
OutputChannel<int> out;
#pragma hls_top
void Run() {
auto x = in.read();
Translate into optimized XLS IR.
With the above setup complete, XLS IR can now be generated using a sequence of
and opt_main
$ ./bazel-bin/xls/contrib/xlscc/xlscc test_channels.cc \
--block_from_class TestBlock --block_pb meta.pb > test_channels.ir
$ ./bazel-bin/xls/tools/opt_main test_channels.ir > test_channels.opt.ir
Below is a quick summary of the options. 1. --block_from_class TestBlock
tells XLS[cc] which class is the top block. 1. --block_pb
- tells XLS[cc]
where to write the block's metadata description. This must be specified with
Note that unlike in the prior tutorial, XLS[cc] is used to generate XLS procs rather than functions. This is to support the additional interface requirements of channels.
Note the metadata output
The file meta.pb
now contains a description of the block which can be useful
for integration. In this example, the result is:
channels {
name: "in"
is_input: true
width_in_bits: 32
channels {
name: "out"
is_input: false
width_in_bits: 32
name: "TestBlock"
Perform code-generation into a pipelined Verilog block.
With the same IR, you can either generate a combinational block or a clocked
pipelined block with the codegen_main
tool. In this section, we'll demonstrate
how to generate a pipelined block using the above C++ code.
$ ./bazel-bin/xls/tools/codegen_main test_channels.opt.ir \
--generator=pipeline \
--delay_model="sky130" \
--output_verilog_path=test_channels.v \
--module_name=xls_test \
--top=TestBlock_proc \
--reset=rst \
--reset_active_low=false \
--reset_asynchronous=false \
--reset_data_path=true \
--pipeline_stages=5 \
--flop_inputs=true \
--flop_outputs=true \
--flop_inputs_kind=skid \
Below is a quick summary of the options.
- use the sky130 delay model.--top=TestBlock_proc
- the proc that is the top-level is namedTestBlock_proc
. This should be the block class name given to XLS[cc] with a_proc
suffix appended.--flop_inputs_kind=skid
- control what type of I/O buffering is used. In this case, we configure a skid buffer at both the input and output.
Additional XLS[cc] examples.
For developers, it is possible to check if a specific feature is supported by checking translator_io_test.cc translator_proc_test.cc for unit tests.