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[xls/contrib] Tutorial: XLS[cc] Overview

This tutorial is aimed at walking you through getting a function written in C++ and then compiling into a working Verilog module.

This assumes that you've already been successful in building XLS. See Installing and building if not.

Create your first C++ module.

XLS[cc] takes as input a single translation unit -- one .cc file. Other files may be included in that one file, but only the top-level file should be provided.

Create a file called with the following contents.

#pragma hls_top
int add3(int input) { return input + 3; }

Note that #pragma hls_top denotes the top-level function for the module. The xls func or proc created will follow that function's interface.

Translate into optimized XLS IR.

Now that the C++ function has been created, xlscc can be used to translate the C++ into XLS IR. opt_main is used afterwards to optimize and transform the IR into a form more easily synthesized into verilog.

$ ./bazel-bin/xls/contrib/xlscc/xlscc >
$ ./bazel-bin/xls/tools/opt_main >

The resulting file should look something like the following

package my_package

file_number 1 "./"

top fn add3(input: bits[32]) -> bits[32] {
  literal.2: bits[32] = literal(value=3, id=2, pos=[(1,2,23)])
  ret add.3: bits[32] = add(input, literal.2, id=3, pos=[(1,2,23)])

Perform code-generation into a combinational Verilog block.

With the same IR, you can either generate a combinational block or a clocked pipelined block with the codegen_main tool. In this section, we'll demonstrate how to generate a combinational block.

$ ./bazel-bin/xls/tools/codegen_main \
  --generator=combinational \
  --delay_model="unit" \
  --output_verilog_path=test.v \
  --module_name=xls_test \

Below is a quick summary of each option:

  1. --generator=combinational states that codegen_main should generate a combinational module.
  2. --delay_model="unit" states to use the unit delay model. Additional delay models include asap7 and sky130.
  3. --output_verilog_path=test.v is where the output verilog should be written to.
  4. --module_name=xls_test states that the generated verilog module should have the name of xls_test.
  5. --top=add3 states that the function that should be used for codegen is the function (fn) named add3.

The resulting test.v should have contents similar to the following

module xls_test(
  input wire [31:0] input,
  output wire [31:0] out
  wire [31:0] add_6;
  assign add_6 = input + 32'h0000_0003;
  assign out = add_6;

Create your second C++ module and generate an optimized IR file.

XLS[cc] supports two ways of handling looping C++ constructs -- it can unroll the loop, or convert the loop into sequential logic. In this section, we'll demonstrate loop unrolling.

Unrolled loops are annotated with #pragma hls_unroll yes. For example, create a file called with the following contents.

#pragma hls_top
int test_unroll(int x) {
  int ret = 0;
  #pragma hls_unroll yes
  for(int i=0;i<32;++i) {
    ret += x * i;
  return ret;

Then compile, and optimize the resulting IR

$ ./bazel-bin/xls/contrib/xlscc/xlscc >
$ ./bazel-bin/xls/tools/opt_main >

Perform code-generation into a pipelined Verilog block.

The previous section should have left you with an IR file called with a function with the signature fn test_unroll(x: bits[32]) -> bits[32]. The function is likely too large to fit into a single clock cycle so we'll create a pipelined module.

$ ./bazel-bin/xls/tools/codegen_main \
  --generator=pipeline \
  --delay_model="asap7" \
  --output_verilog_path=test_unroll.v \
  --module_name=xls_test_unroll \
  --top=test_unroll \
  --reset=rst \
  --reset_data_path=false \
  --pipeline_stages=5 \
  --flop_inputs=true \

Below is a quick summary of each option:

  1. --generator=pipeline - codegen_main should generate a pipelined module.
  2. --delay_model="asap7" - use the asap7 delay model.
  3. --output_verilog_path=test_unroll.v - where the output verilog should be written to.
  4. --module_name=xls_test_unroll - the generated verilog module should have the name of xls_unroll_test.
  5. --entry=test_unroll - the function that should be used for codegen is the function (fn) named test_unroll.
  6. --reset=rst - there should be a reset signal named rst.
  7. --reset_active_low=false - a high reset signal means reset the module.
  8. --reset_asynchronous=false - rst is a synchronous reset signal.
  9. --pipeline_stages=5 - create a 5 stage pipeline.
  10. --flop_inputs=true and --flop_outputs=true - input and outputs for the block are registered.

Additional XLS[cc] examples.

The above tutorials only touches upon the capabilities of XLS[cc]. XLS[cc] is based on libclang and supports many C++17 features. Notable unsupported features include pointers, function pointers, and virtual methods.

For developers, it is possible to check if a specific feature is supported by checking and other unit tests in the same directory.