DSLX Reference
DSLX is a domain specific, dataflow-oriented functional language used to build hardware that can also run effectively as host software. Within the XLS project, DSLX is also referred to as "the DSL". The DSL targets the XLS compiler (via conversion to XLS IR) to enable flows for FPGAs and ASICs.
DSLX mimics Rust, while being an immutable expression-based dataflow DSL with hardware-oriented features; e.g. arbitrary bitwidths, entirely fixed size objects, fully analyzeable call graph, etc. To avoid arbitrary new syntax/semantics choices, the DSL mimics Rust where it is reasonably possible; for example, integer conversions all follow the same semantics as Rust.
Note: There are some unnecessary differences today from Rust syntax due to early experimentation, but they are quickly being removed to converge on Rust syntax.
Note that other frontends to XLS core functionality will become available in the future; e.g. xlscc, for users familiar with the C++-and-pragma style of HLS computation. XLS team develops the DSL as part of the XLS project because we believe it can offer significant advantages over the C++-with-pragmas approach.
Dataflow DSLs are a good fit for describing hardware, compared to languages whose design assumes von Neumann style computation (global mutable state, sequential mutation by a sequential thread of control). Using a Domain Specific Language (DSL) provides a more hardware-oriented representation of a given computation that matches XLS compiler (IR) constructs closely. The DSL also allows an exploration of HLS without being encumbered by C++ language or compiler limitations such as non-portable pragmas, magic macros, or semantically important syntactic conventions. The language is still experimental and likely to change, but it is already useful for experimentation and exploration.
This document provides a reference for DSLX, mostly by example. Before perusing it in detail, we recommend you first read the DSLX tutorials to understand the broad strokes of the language.
In this document we use the function to compute a CRC32 checksum to describe
language features. The full code is in
Just as in languages like Rust/C++, comments start with //
and last through
the end of the line.
DSLX Keywords
This is a list of reserved keywords in the DSLX language. Since they are used by the language, they cannot be used as identifiers in your DSLX code.
as |
bits |
bool |
chan |
const |
else |
enum |
false |
fn |
for |
if |
impl |
import |
in |
out |
let |
match |
pub |
proc |
self |
Self |
s1 , ..., s64 |
sN |
spawn |
struct |
token |
true |
type |
u1 , ..., u64 |
uN |
unroll_for! |
use |
xN |
All identifiers, e.g., for function names, parameters, and values, follow the typical naming rules of other languages. The identifiers can start with a character or an underscore, and can then contain more characters, underscores, or numbers. They must not be DSLX keywords. Valid examples are:
a // valid
CamelCase // valid
like_under_scores // valid
__also_ok // valid
_Ok123_321 // valid
_ // valid
2ab // not valid
&ade // not valid
However, we suggest the following DSLX style rules, which mirror the Rust naming conventions.
- Functions are
- User-defined data types are
- Constant bindings are
is the "black hole" identifier -- a name that you can bind to but should never read from, akin to Rust's wildcard pattern match or Python's "unused identifier" convention. It should never be referred to in an expression except as a "sink".
is the "rest of tuple" operator -- a name that you can bind to but should never read from, akin to Rust's wildcard pattern match. It should never be referred to in an expression except as a "sink".
NOTE Since mutable locals are not supported, there is also
support for "tick identifiers",
where a ' character may appear anywhere after the first character of an
identifier to indicate "prime"; e.g. let state' = update(state);
. By
convention ticks usually come at the end of an identifier. Since this is not
part of Rust's syntax, it is considered experimental at this time.
Unused Bindings
If you bind a name and do not use it, a warning will be flagged, and warnings are errors by default; e.g. this will flag an unused warning:
fn my_test() {
let x = u32:42; // Not used!
For cases where it's more readable to keep a name, even though it's unused, you can prefix the name with a leading underscore, like so:
fn my_test() {
let (thing_one, _thing_two) = open_crate();
assert_eq(thing_one, u32:1);
Note that _thing_two
is unused, but a warning is not flagged because we
indicated via a leading underscore that it was ok for the variable to go unused,
because we felt it enhanced readability.
Function definitions begin with the keyword fn
, followed by the function name,
a parameter list to the function in parenthesis, followed by an ->
and the
return type of the function. After this, curly braces denote the begin and end
of the function body.
The list of parameters can be empty.
A single input file can contain many functions.
Simple examples:
fn ret3() -> u32 {
u32:3 // This function always returns 3.
fn add1(x: u32) -> u32 {
x + u32:1 // Returns x + 1, but you knew that!
Functions return the result of their last computed expression as their return value. There are no explicit return statements. By implication, functions return exactly one expression; they can't return multiple expressions (but this may change in the future as we migrate towards some Rust semantics).
Tuples should be returned if a function needs to return multiple values.
Parameters are written as pairs name
followed by a colon :
followed by the
of that parameter. Each parameter needs to declare its own type.
// a simple parameter x of type u32
x: u32
// t is a tuple with 2 elements.
// the 1st element is of type u32
// the 2nd element is a tuple with 3 elements
// the 1st element is of type u8
// the 2nd element is another tuple with 1 element of type u16
// the 3rd element is of type u8
t: (u32, (u8, (u16,), u8))
Parametric Functions
DSLX functions can be parameterized in terms of the types of its arguments and in terms of types derived from other parametric values. For instance:
fn double(n: u32) -> u32 { n * u32:2 }
fn self_append<A: u32, B: u32 = {double(A)}>(x: bits[A]) -> bits[B] { x ++ x }
fn main() -> bits[10] { self_append(u5:1) }
In self_append(bits[5]:1)
, we see that A = 5
based off of formal argument
instantiation. Using that value, we can evaluate B = double(A=5)
. This derived
expression is analogous to C++'s constexpr – a simple expression that can be
evaluated at that point in compilation. Note that the expression must be wrapped
in {}
curly braces.
See advanced understanding for more information on parametricity.
Explicit parametric instantiation
In some cases, parametric values cannot be inferred from function arguments,
such as in the
fn add_one<E: u32, F: u32, G: u32 = {E+F}>(lhs: bits[E]) -> bits[G] { ... }
For this call to instantiable, both E
and F
must be specified. Since F
can't be inferred from an argument, we must rely on explicit parametrics:
add_one<u32:1, {u32:2 + u32:3}>(u1:1);
This invocation will bind 1
to E
, 5
to F
, and 6
to G
. Note the curly
braces around the expression-defined parametric: simple literals and constant
references do not need braces (but they can have them), but any other
expression requires them.
Expression ambiguity
Without curly braces, explicit parametric expressions could be ambiguous; consider the following, slightly changed from the previous example:
add_one<u32:1, u32:2>(u32:3)>(u1:1);
Is the statement above computing add_one<1, (2 > 3)>(1)
, or is it computing
(add_one<1, 2>(3)) > 1)
? Without additional (and subtle and perhaps
surprising) contextual precedence rules, this would be ambiguous and could lead
to a parse error or, even worse, unexpected behavior.
Fortunately, we can look to Rust for inspiration. Rust's const generics RPF
introduced the { }
syntax for disambiguating just this case in generic
specifications. With this, any expressions present in a parametric specification
must be contained within curly braces, as in the original example.
At present, if the braces are omitted, some unpredictable error will occur. Work to improve this is tracked in XLS GitHub issue #321.
Function Calls
Function calls are expressions and look and feel just like one would expect from other languages. For example:
fn callee(x: bits[32], y: bits[32]) -> bits[32] { x + y }
fn caller() -> u32 { callee(u32:2, u32:3) }
If more than one value should be returned by a function, a tuple type should be returned.
Built-In Functions and Standard Library
The DSL has several built-in functions and standard library modules. For details on the available functions to invoke, see DSLX Built-In Functions and Standard Library.
Bit Type
The most fundamental type in DSLX is a variable length bit type denoted as
, where n
is a constant. For example:
bits[1] // a single bit
uN[1] // explicitly noting single bit is unsigned
u1 // convenient shorthand for bits[1]
bits[8] // an 8-bit datatype, yes, a byte
u8 // convenient shorthand for bits[8]
bits[32] // a 32-bit datatype
u32 // convenient shorthand for bits[32]
bits[256] // a 256-bit datatype
bits[0] // possible, but, don't do that
DSLX introduces aliases for commonly used types, such as u8
for an 8-wide bit
type, or u32
for a 32-bit wide bit type. These are defined up to u64
All u*
, uN[*]
, and bits[*]
types are interpreted as unsigned integers.
Signed integers are specified via s*
and sN[*]
. Similarly to unsigned
numbers, the s*
shorthands are defined up to s64
. For example:
Signed numbers differ in their behavior from unsigned numbers primarily via operations like comparisons, (variable width) multiplications, and divisions.
Parametric Signedness
The DSL also has a way to make a function parameterized on the signedness of a
type, via the xN
type constructor:
// Parametric function that gives back a zero bits value of arbitrary
// signedness and size.
fn p<S: bool, N: u32>() -> xN[S][N] { xN[S][N]:0 }
fn test_parametric_signedness() {
assert_eq(p<false, u32:32>(), u32:0);
assert_eq(p<true, u32:32>(), s32:0);
assert_eq(p<true, u32:64>(), s64:0);
The above example shows that xN[false][u32:32]
is an equivalent type to
, and xN[true][u32:64]
is an equivalent type to s64
The name xN
indicates that it can be either uN
or sN
based on the first
"signedness" given to the type constructor, which should be a bool
. After the
signedness is given, the bit-width for the type is provided, and that gives all
the information to describe an arbitrary-signedness bit type.
Bit Type Attributes
Bit types have helpful type-level attributes that provide limit values, similar
to std::numeric_limits
in C++. For example:
u3::MAX // u3:0b111 the "fill with ones" value
s3::MAX // s3:0b011 the "maximum signed" value
u3::ZERO // u3:0b000 the "fill with zeros" value
s3::ZERO // s3:0b000 the "fill with zeros" value
u3::MIN // u3:0b000 the minimum u3 value
s3::MIN // s3:0b100 AKA s3:-4 the minimum s3 value
Character Constants
Characters are a special case of bits types: they are implicitly-type as u8. Characters can be used just as traditional bits:
fn add_to_null(input: u8) -> u8 {
let null: u8 = '\0';
input + null
fn test_main() { assert_eq('a', add_to_null('a')) }
DSLX character constants support the full Rust set of escape sequences with the exception of unicode.
Enum Types
DSLX supports enumerations as a way of defining a group of related, scoped, named constants that do not pollute the module namespace. For example:
enum Opcode : u3 {
fn get_my_favorite_opcode() -> Opcode { Opcode::FIRE_THE_MISSILES }
Note the use of the double-colon to reference the enum value. This code
specifies that the enum behaves like a u3
: its storage and extension (via
casting) behavior are defined to be those of a u3
. Attempts to define an enum
value outside of the representable u3
range will produce a compile time error.
enum Opcode : u3 {
FOO = 8 // Causes compile time error!
Enums can be compared for equality/inequality, but they do not permit arithmetic operations, they must be cast to numerical types in order to perform arithmetic:
enum Opcode : u3 {
NOP = 0,
ADD = 1,
SUB = 2,
MUL = 3,
fn same_opcode(x: Opcode, y: Opcode) -> bool {
x == y // ok
fn next_in_sequence(x: Opcode, y: Opcode) -> bool {
// x+1 == y // does not work, arithmetic!
x as u3 + u3:1 == (y as u3) // ok, casted first
As mentioned above, casting of enum-values works with the same casting/extension rules that apply to the underlying enum type definition. For example, this cast will sign extend because the source type for the enum is signed. (See numerical conversions for the full description of extension/truncation behavior.)
enum MySignedEnum : s3 {
LOW = -1,
ZERO = 0,
HIGH = 1,
fn extend_to_32b(x: MySignedEnum) -> u32 {
x as u32 // Sign-extends because the source type is signed.
fn test_extend_to_32b() { assert_eq(extend_to_32b(MySignedEnum::LOW), u32:0xffffffff) }
Casting to an enum is also permitted. However, in most cases errors from invalid casting can only be found at runtime, e.g., in the DSL interpreter or flagging a fatal error from hardware. Because of that, it is recommended to avoid such casts as much as possible.
Tuple Type
A tuple is a fixed-size ordered set, containing elements of heterogeneous types. Tuples elements can be any type, e.g. bits, arrays, structs, tuples. Tuples may be empty (an empty tuple is also known as the unit type), or contain one or more types.
Examples of tuple values:
// The unit type, carries no information.
let unit = ();
// A tuple containing two bits-typed elements.
let pair = (u3:0b100, u4:0b1101);
Example of a tuple type:
// The type of a tuple with 2 elements.
// the 1st element is of type u32
// the 2nd element is a tuple with 3 elements
// the 1st element is of type u8
// the 2nd element is another tuple with 1 element of type u16
// the 3rd element is of type u8
type MyTuple = (u32, (u8, (u16), u8));
To access individual tuple elements use simple indices, starting at 0. For example, to access the second element of a tuple (index 1):
fn test_tuple_access() {
let t = (u32:2, u8:3);
assert_eq(u8:3, t.1)
Such indices can only be numeric literals; parametric symbols are not allowed.
Tuples can be "destructured", similarly to how pattern matching works in match
expressions, which provides a convenient syntax to name elements of a tuple for
subsequent use. See a
and b
in the following:
fn test_tuple_destructure() {
let t = (u32:2, u8:3);
let (a, b) = t;
assert_eq(u32:2, a);
assert_eq(u8:3, b)
Just as values can be discarded in a let
by using the "black hole identifier"
, don't-care values can also be discarded when destructuring a tuple:
fn test_black_hole() {
let t = (u32:2, true);
let (_, v) = t;
assert_eq(v, true)
The "black hole identifier" _
, always matches exactly one element.
The "rest of tuple" operator ..
can be used to discard consecutive values when
destructuring a tuple:
fn test_rest_of_tuple() {
let t = (u32:2, u8:3, true);
let (.., v) = t;
assert_eq(v, true)
This operator can be used at the beginning, end, or middle of a tuple destructuring, though only once for a given list of elements in a tuple. It matches zero or more elements.
Struct Types
Structures are similar to tuples, but provide two additional capabilities: we name the slots (i.e. struct fields have names while tuple elements only have positions), and we introduce a new type.
The following syntax is used to define a struct:
struct Point { x: u32, y: u32 }
Once a struct is defined it can be constructed by naming the fields in any order:
struct Point { x: u32, y: u32 }
fn test_struct_equality() {
let p0 = Point { x: u32:42, y: u32:64 };
let p1 = Point { y: u32:64, x: u32:42 };
assert_eq(p0, p1)
There is a simple syntax when creating a struct whose field names match the names of in-scope values:
struct Point { x: u32, y: u32 }
fn test_struct_equality() {
let x = u32:42;
let y = u32:64;
let p0 = Point { x, y };
let p1 = Point { y, x };
assert_eq(p0, p1)
Struct fields can also be accessed with "dot" syntax:
struct Point { x: u32, y: u32 }
fn f(p: Point) -> u32 { p.x + p.y }
fn main() -> u32 { f(Point { x: u32:42, y: u32:64 }) }
fn test_main() { assert_eq(u32:106, main()) }
Note that structs cannot be mutated "in place", the user must construct new values by extracting the fields of the original struct mixed together with new field values, as in the following:
struct Point3 { x: u32, y: u32, z: u32 }
fn update_y(p: Point3, new_y: u32) -> Point3 { Point3 { x: p.x, y: new_y, z: p.z } }
fn main() -> Point3 {
let p = Point3 { x: u32:42, y: u32:64, z: u32:256 };
update_y(p, u32:128)
fn test_main() {
let want = Point3 { x: u32:42, y: u32:128, z: u32:256 };
assert_eq(want, main())
Struct Update Syntax
The DSL has syntax for conveniently producing a new value with a subset of fields updated to reduce verbosity. The "struct update" syntax is:
struct Point3 { x: u32, y: u32, z: u32 }
fn update_y(p: Point3) -> Point3 { Point3 { y: u32:42, ..p } }
fn update_x_and_y(p: Point3) -> Point3 { Point3 { x: u32:42, y: u32:42, ..p } }
Parametric Structs
DSLX also supports parametric structs. For more information on how type-parametricity works, see the parametric functions section.
fn double(n: u32) -> u32 { n * u32:2 }
struct Point<N: u32, M: u32 = {double(N)}> { x: bits[N], y: bits[M] }
fn make_point<A: u32, B: u32>(x: bits[A], y: bits[B]) -> Point<A, B> { Point { x, y } }
fn test_struct_construction() {
let p = make_point(u16:42, u32:42);
assert_eq(u16:42, p.x)
Understanding Nominal Typing
As mentioned above, a struct definition introduces a new type. Structs are nominally typed, as opposed to structurally typed (note that tuples are structurally typed). This means that structs with different names have different types, regardless of whether those structs have the same structure (i.e. even when all the fields of two structures are identical, those structures are a different type when they have a different name).
struct Point { x: u32, y: u32 }
struct Coordinate { x: u32, y: u32 }
fn f(p: Point) -> u32 { p.x + p.y }
fn test_ok() { assert_eq(f(Point { x: u32:42, y: u32:64 }), u32:106) }
fn test_type_checker_error() {
assert_eq(f(Coordinate { x: u32:42, y: u32:64 }), u32:106)
Array Type
Arrays can be constructed via bracket notation. All values that make up the
array must have the same type. Arrays can be indexed with indexing notation
) to retrieve a single element.
fn main(a: u32[2], i: u1) -> u32 { a[i] }
fn test_main() {
let x = u32:42;
let y = u32:64;
// Make an array with "bracket notation".
let my_array: u32[2] = [x, y];
assert_eq(main(my_array, u1:0), x);
assert_eq(main(my_array, u1:1), y);
Because arrays with repeated trailing elements are common, the DSL supports
ellipsis (...
) at the end of an array to fill the remainder of the array with
the last noted element. Because the compiler must know how many elements to
fill, in order to use the ellipsis the type must be annotated explicitly as
fn make_array(x: u32) -> u32[3] { u32[3]:[u32:42, x, ...] }
fn test_make_array() {
assert_eq(u32[3]:[u32:42, u32:42, u32:42], make_array(u32:42));
assert_eq(u32[3]:[u32:42, u32:64, u32:64], make_array(u32:64));
Note google/xls#917: arrays with length zero will typecheck, but fail to work in most circumstances. Eventually, XLS should support them but they can't be used currently.
Character String Constants
Character strings are a special case of array types, being implicitly-sized arrays of u8 elements. String constants can be used just as traditional arrays:
fn add_one<N: u32>(input: u8[N]) -> u8[N] {
for (i, result): (u32, u8[N]) in u32:0..N {
update(result, i, result[i] + u8:1)
fn test_main() { assert_eq("bcdef", add_one("abcde")) }
DSLX string constants support the
full Rust set of escape sequences -
note that unicode escapes get encoded to their UTF-8 byte sequence. In other
words, the sequence \u{10CB2F}
will result in an array with hexadecimal values
Moreover, string can be composed of characters.
fn string_composed_characters() -> u8[10] { ['X', 'L', 'S', ' ', 'r', 'o', 'c', 'k', 's', '!'] }
fn test_main() { assert_eq("XLS rocks!", string_composed_characters()) }
Type Aliases
DLSX supports the definition of type aliases.
Type aliases can be used to provide a more human-readable name for an existing type. The new name is on the left, the existing name on the right:
type Weight = u6;
We can create an alias for an imported type:
// Note: this imports an external file in the codebase.
import xls.dslx.tests.mod_imported;
type MyEnum = mod_imported::MyEnum;
fn main(x: u8) -> MyEnum { x as MyEnum }
fn test_main() {
assert_eq(main(u8:42), MyEnum::FOO);
assert_eq(main(u8:64), MyEnum::BAR);
Type aliases can also provide a descriptive name for a tuple type (which is otherwise anonymous). For example, to define a tuple type that represents a float number with a sign bit, an 8-bit mantissa, and a 23-bit mantissa, one would write:
type F32 = (u1, u8, u23);
After this definition, the F32
may be used as a type annotation
interchangeably with (u1, u8, u23)
Note, however, that structs are generally preferred for this purpose, as they are more readable and users do not need to rely on tuple elements having a stable order in the future (i.e., they are resilient to refactoring).
Type Casting
Bit types can be cast from one bit-width to another with the as
keyword. Types
can be widened (increasing bit-width), narrowed (decreasing bit-width) and/or
changed between signed and unsigned. Some examples are found below. See
Numerical Conversions for a description of the
fn test_narrow_cast() {
let twelve = u4:0b1100;
assert_eq(twelve as u2, u2:0)
fn test_widen_cast() {
let three = u2:0b11;
assert_eq(three as u4, u4:3)
fn test_narrow_signed_cast() {
let negative_seven = s4:0b1001;
assert_eq(negative_seven as u2, u2:1)
fn test_widen_signed_cast() {
let negative_one = s2:0b11;
assert_eq(negative_one as s4, s4:-1)
fn test_widen_to_unsigned() {
let negative_one = s2:0b11;
assert_eq(negative_one as u3, u3:0b111)
fn test_widen_to_signed() {
let three = u2:0b11;
assert_eq(three as u3, u3:0b011)
Type Checking and Inference
DSLX performs type checking and produces an error if types in an expression don't match up.
expressions also perform type inference, which is quite convenient. For
example, instead of writing:
let ch: u32 = (e & f) ^ ((!e) & g);
let (h, g, f): (u32, u32, u32) = (g, f, e);
one can write the following, as long as the types can be properly inferred:
let ch = (e & f) ^ ((!e) & g);
let (h, g, f) = (g, f, e);
Note that type annotations can still be added and be used for program understanding, as they they will be checked by DSLX.
Type Inference Details
Type Inference Background
All expressions in the language's expression grammar have a deductive type inference rule. The types must be known for inputs to an operator/function1 and every expression has a way to determine its type from its operand expressions.
DSLX uses deductive type inference to check the types present in the program. Deductive type inference is a set of (typically straightforward) deduction rules: Hindley-Milner style deductive type inference determines the result type of a function with a rule that only observes the input types to that function. (Note that operators like '+' are just slightly special functions in that they have predefined special-syntax-rule names.)
Bindings and Environment
In DSLX code, the "environment" where names are bound (sometimes also referred
to as a symbol table) is called the
-- it
maps identifiers to the AST node that defines the name ({string: AstNode}
which can be combined with a mapping from AST node to its deduced type
({AstNode: ConcreteType}
) to resolve the type of an identifier in the program.
is one of the key nodes that populates these Bindings
, but anything that
creates a bound name does as well (e.g. parameters, for loop induction
variables, etc.).
Operator Example
For example, consider the binary (meaning takes two operands) / infix (meaning it syntactically is placed between its operands) '+' operator. The simple deductive type inference rule for '+' is:
(T, T) -> T
This means that the left hand side operand to the '+' operator is of some type
(call it T
), the right hand side operand to the '+' operator must be of that
same type, T
, and the result of that operator is then (deduced) to be of the
same type as its operands, T
Let's instantiate this rule in a function:
fn add_wrapper(x: bits[2], y: bits[2]) -> bits[2] { x + y }
This function wraps the '+' operator. It presents two arguments to the '+'
operator and then checks that the annotated return type on add_wrapper
the deduced type for the body of that function; that is, we ask the following
question of the '+' operator (since the type of the operands must be known at
the point the add is performed):
(bits[2], bits[2]) -> ?
To resolve the ?
the following procedure is being used:
- Pattern match the rule given above
(T, T) -> T
to determine the typeT
: the left hand side operand isbits[2]
, calledT
. - Check that the right hand side operand is also that same
, which it is: anotherbits[2]
. - Deduce that the result type is that same type
. - That becomes the return type of the body of the function. Check that it is the same type as the annotated return type for the function, and it is!
The function is annotated to return bits[2]
, and the deduced type of the body
is also bits[2]
. Qed.
Type errors
A type error would occur in the following:
fn add_wrapper(x: bits[2], y: bits[3]) -> bits[2] { x + y }
Applying the type deduction rule for '+' finds an inconsistency. The left hand
side operand has type bits[2]
, called T
, but the right hand side is
, which is not the same as T
. Because the deductive type inference
rule does not say what to do when the operand types are different, it results in
a type error which is flagged at this point in the program.
Let Bindings, Names, and the Environment
In the DSL, let
is an expression. It may not seem obvious at a glance, but it
is! As a primer see the type inference background
and how names are resolved in an environment.
expressions are of the (Rust-inspired) form:
let $name: $annotated_type = $expr; $subexpr
gets "bound" to a value of type $annotated_type
. The let
rule must both check that $expr
is of type $annotated_type
, as well as
determine the type of $subexpr
, which is the type of the overall "let
In this example, the result of the let
expression is the return value --
(x + x
) can use the $name
) which was "bound":
fn main(y: u32) -> u64 {
let x: u64 = y as u64;
x + x
If we invoke main(u32:2)
we will the evaluate let
expression -- it creates a
binding of x
to the value u64:2
, and then evaluates the expression x + x
in that environment, so the result of the let
expression's $subexpr
DSLX modules can import other modules via the import
keyword. Circular imports
are not permitted (the dependencies among DSLX modules must form a DAG, as in
languages like Go).
The import statement takes the following form:
import std;
The standard library modules (such as std
) live in a special location known
the DSL as built-in paths to look for modules -- imports of "normal"
(user-written) modules take full paths relative to the root of execution and
DSLX path.
import path.to.my.imported_module;
With that statement, the module will be accessible as (the trailing identifier
after the last dot) imported_module
; e.g. the program can refer to
NOTE Imports are relative to the Bazel "depot root" -- for external use of the
tools, a DSLX_PATH
will be exposed, akin to a PYTHONPATH
, for users to
indicate paths where were should attempt module discovery.
NOTE Importing does not introduce any names into the current file other than
the one referred to by the import statement. That is, if imported_module
had a
constant FOO
defined in it, this is referred to via imported_module::FOO
does not "magically" get put in the current scope. This is analogous to
how wildcard imports are discouraged in other languages (e.g. from import *
Python) on account of leading to "namespace pollution" and needing to specify
what happens when names conflict.
If you want to change the name of the imported module (for reference inside of
the importing file) you can use the as
import path.to.my.imported_module as im;
Just using the above construct,
is not valid, only
. However, both statements can be used on
different lines:
import path.to.my.imported_module;
import path.to.my.imported_module as im;
can be used to refer to the
same thing.
Here is an example using the same function via two different aliases for the same module:
// Note: this imports an external file in the codebase under two different
// names.
import xls.dslx.tests.mod_imported;
import xls.dslx.tests.mod_imported as mi;
fn main(x: u3) -> u1 { mod_imported::my_lsb(x) || mi::my_lsb(x) }
fn test_main() { assert_eq(u1:0b1, main(u3:0b001)) }
Public module members
Module members are private by default and not accessible from any importing
module. To make a member public/visible to importing modules, the pub
must be added as a prefix; e.g.
const FOO = u32:42; // Not accessible to importing modules.
pub const BAR = u32:64; // Accessible to importing modules.
This applies to other things defined at module scope as well: functions, enums, type aliases, etc.
import xls.dslx.tests.mod_imported;
import xls.dslx.tests.mod_imported as mi;
fn main(x: u3) -> u1 {
// Use function via both module names.
mod_imported::my_lsb(x) || mi::my_lsb(x)
fn test_main() { assert_eq(u1:0b1, main(u3:0b001)) }
Module attributes
A limited number of attributes may be applied at module scope (currently just
one), using the following syntax, which is conventionally placed at the top of
the module (.x
// .. rest of the module ..
This disables the warning that is usually produced for non-standard constant
names -- typically DSLX warns if they are not SCREAMING_SNAKE_CASE
as per the
Rust style guide. (This is useful for things like automatically generated files
where perhaps we'd prefer not to rewrite names vs. leaving them in some other,
nonstandard, identifier form.)
The const
keyword is used to define module-level constant values. Named
constants are usable anywhere a literal value can be used:
const FOO = u8:42;
fn match_const(x: u8) -> u8 {
match x {
FOO => u8:0,
_ => u8:42,
fn test_match_const_not_binding() {
assert_eq(u8:42, match_const(u8:0));
assert_eq(u8:42, match_const(u8:1));
assert_eq(u8:0, match_const(u8:42));
fn h(t: (u8, (u16, u32))) -> u32 {
match t {
(FOO, (x, y)) => (x as u32) + y,
(_, (y, u32:42)) => y as u32,
_ => u32:7,
fn test_match_nested() {
assert_eq(u32:3, h((u8:42, (u16:1, u32:2))));
assert_eq(u32:1, h((u8:0, (u16:1, u32:42))));
assert_eq(u32:7, h((u8:0, (u16:1, u32:0))));
DSLX supports construction of literals using the syntax Type:Value
. For
example u16:1
is a 16-wide bit array with its least significant bit set to
one. Similarly s8:12
is an 8-wide bit array with its least significant four
bits set to 1100
DSLX supports initializing using binary, hex or decimal syntax:
fn test_literal_initialization() {
assert_eq(u8:12, u8:0b00001100);
assert_eq(u8:12, u8:0x0c);
When constructing literals, DSLX will trigger an error if the constant will not
fit in a bit array of the annotated sized. So for example, trying to construct
the literal u8:256
will trigger an error of the form:
TypeInferenceError: uN[8] Value '256' does not fit in the bitwidth of a uN[8]
But what about s8:128
? This is a valid literal, even though a signed 8-bit
integer cannot represent it. The following code offers a clue.
fn test_signed_literal_initialization() {
assert_eq(s8:128, s8:-128);
assert_eq(s8:128, s8:0b10000000);
What is happening here is that 128 is being used as a bit pattern rather than as the number 128 to initialize the literal. It is only when the bit pattern cannot fit in the width of the literal that an error is triggered.
Note that this behavior is different from Rust, where it will trigger an error, but the fact that DSLX considers this valid may change in the future.
Grouping Expression
As in mathematical notation and many programming languages, an expression can be
surrounded with an opening and closing parenthesis to make it the highest
precedence (or simply for readability). For example, this expression evaluates
to u32:9
: (u32:1 + u32:2) * u32:3
Unary Expressions
DSLX supports two types of unary expressions with type signature (xN[N]) ->
- bit-wise not (the
operator) - negate (the
operator, which computes two's complement negation)
Binary Expressions
DSLX supports a familiar set of binary expressions. There are two categories of binary expressions. A category where both operands to the expression must be of the same bit type (i.e., not arrays or tuples), and a category where the operands can be of arbitrary bit types (i.e., shift expressions).
Expressions with operands of the same type.
The following expressions have type signature (xN[N], xN[N]) -> xN[N]
- bit-wise or (
) - bit-wise and (
) - bit-wise xor (
) - add (
) - subtract (
) - multiply (
Functions like
are convenient helpers when you are working with mixed widths. Because these
expressions return the same type as the operands, if you want a carry you need
to widen the inputs (e.g.,
). The optimizer will narrow the operands and produce efficient hardware,
especially with trivial zero-/sign-extended operands like std::smul
Logical Expressions
- logical or (
) - logical and (
These are binary operations that are of the type (bool, bool) -> bool
. (Note
that bool
is equivalent to u1
Shift Expressions
Shift expressions include:
- shift-right logical (
) - shift-left (
These are binary operations that don't require the same type on the left and
right hand side. The right hand side must be unsigned, but it does not need to
be the same type or width as the left hand side, so the type signature for these
operations is: (xN[M], uN[N]) -> xN[M]
. If the right hand side is a literal
value it does not need to be type annotated. For example:
fn shr_two(x: s32) -> s32 { x >> 2 }
Note that, as in Rust, the semantics of the shift-right (>>
) operation depends
on the signedness of the left hand side. For a signed-type left hand side, the
shift-right (>>
) operation performs a shift-right arithmetic and, for a
unsigned-type left hand side, the shift-right (>>
) operation performs a
shift-right (logical).
Comparison Expressions
For comparison expressions, the types of both operands must match. However these
operations return a result of type bits[1]
, aka bool
- equal (
) - not-equal (
) - greater-equal (
) - greater (
) - less-equal (
) - less (
Concat Expression
Bitwise concatenation is performed with the ++
operator. The value on the left
hand side becomes the most significant bits, and the value on the right hand
side becomes the least significant bits. Both of the operands must be unsigned.
(See numerical conversions for details on converting
signed numbers to unsigned.)
Concatenation operations may be chained together as shown:
fn test_bits_concat() {
assert_eq(u8:0b11000000, u2:0b11 ++ u6:0b000000);
assert_eq(u8:0b00000111, u2:0b00 ++ u6:0b000111);
assert_eq(u6:0b100111, u1:1 ++ u2:0b00 ++ u3:0b111);
assert_eq(u6:0b001000, u1:0 ++ u2:0b01 ++ u3:0b000);
assert_eq(u32:0xdeadbeef, u16:0xdead ++ u16:0xbeef);
Block Expressions
Block expressions enable subordinate scopes to be defined, e.g.,:
let a = {
let b = u32:1;
b + u32:3
Above, a
is equal to 4
The value of a block expression is that of its last contained expression, or
if a final expression is omitted:
let a = { let b = u32:1; };
In the above case, a
is equal to ()
Since DSLX does not currently have the concept of lifetimes, and since names can
be rebound (i.e., this is valid: let a = u32:0; let a = u32:1;
), blocks have
the following uses:
- to syntactically form the body of functions and loops
- to limit the scope of variables
- to increase readability
expressions permit "pattern matching" on data, like a souped-up "switch"
statement. It can both test for values (like a conditional guard) and bind
values to identifiers for subsequent use. For example:
fn f(t: (u8, u32)) -> u32 {
match t {
(u8:42, y) => y,
(_, y) => y + u32:77,
If the first member of the tuple is the value is 42
, we pass the second tuple
member back as-is from the function. Otherwise, we add 77
to the value and
return that. The _
symbolizes "I don't care about this value".
Just like literal constants, pattern matching can also match via named constants. For example, consider this variation on the above:
const MY_FAVORITE_NUMBER = u8:42;
fn f(t: (u8, u32)) -> u32 {
match t {
(_, y) => y + u32:77,
This also works with nested tuples; for example:
const MY_FAVORITE_NUMBER = u8:42;
fn f(t: (u8, (u16, u32))) -> u32 {
match t {
(MY_FAVORITE_NUMBER, (y, z)) => y as u32 + z,
(_, (y, u32:42)) => y as u32,
_ => u32:7,
Here we use a "catch all" wildcard pattern in the last match
arm to ensure the
expression always matches the input somehow.
This "catch all" (i.e. an
irrefutable pattern)
is currently required in all
expressions, even if the other match
arms form an exhaustive set of
refutable patterns (e.g., matching against fully specified enumerators).
We can also match
on ranges of values using the "range" syntax:
fn f(x: u32) -> u32 {
match x {
u32:1..u32:3 => u32:0,
_ => x,
fn test_f() {
assert_eq(f(u32:1), u32:0);
assert_eq(f(u32:2), u32:0);
// Note: the limit of the range syntax is exclusive.
assert_eq(f(u32:3), u32:3);
Or on multiple patterns per arm using the |
fn f(x: u32) -> u32 {
match x {
u32:1 | u32:3 => u32:0,
_ => x,
fn test_f() {
assert_eq(f(u32:1), u32:0);
assert_eq(f(u32:2), u32:2);
assert_eq(f(u32:3), u32:0);
Redundant Patterns
will flag an error if a syntactically identical pattern is typed
twice; e.g.,
const FOO = u32:42;
fn f(x: u32) -> u2 {
match x {
FOO => u2:0,
FOO => u2:1, // Identical pattern!
_ => u2:2,
Only the first pattern will ever match, so it is fully redundant (and therefore likely a user error they'd like to be informed of). Note that equivalent but not syntactically identical patterns will not be flagged in this way.
const FOO = u32:42;
const BAR = u32:42; // Compares `==` to `FOO`.
fn f(x: u32) -> u2 {
match x {
FOO => u2:0,
BAR => u2:1, // _Equivalent_ pattern, but not syntactically identical.
_ => u2:2,
expressions work the same way as let expressions in other functional
languages (such as the ML family languages). let
expressions provide a nested,
lexically-scoped, list of binding definitions. The scope of the binding is the
expression on the right hand side of the declaration. For example:
let a: u32 = u32:1 + u32:2;
let b: u32 = a + u32:3;
would bind (and return as a value) the value 6
which corresponds to b
evaluated. In effect there is little difference to other languages like C/C++ or
Python, where the same result would be achieved with code similar to this:
a = 1 + 2
b = a + 3
return b
However, let
expressions are lexically scoped. In above example, the value 3
is bound to a
only during the combined let
expression sequence. There is no
other type of scoping in DSLX.
DSLX offers an if
expression, which is very similar to the Rust if
if condition { consequent } else { alternate }
This corresponds to the C/C++ ternary ?:
condition ? consequent : alternate
Note: both the if
and else
are required to be present, as with the ?:
operator, unlike a C++ if
statement. This is because it is an expression
that must always produce a result value, not a statement that causes a
mutating effect.
Furthermore, you can have multiple branches via else if
if condition0 { consequent0 } else if condition1 { consequent1 } else { alternate }
which corresponds to the C/C++:
condition0 ? consequent0 : (condition1 ? consequent1 : alternate)
Note: a match
expression can often be a better choice than having a long
if/else if/.../else
For example, in the FP adder module (modules/fp32_add_2.x), there is code like the following:
let result_fraction = if wide_exponent < u9:255 { result_fraction } else { u23:0 };
let result_exponent = if wide_exponent < u9:255 { wide_exponent as u8 } else { u8:255 };
Iterable Expression
Iterable expressions are used in counted for
loops. DSLX currently supports
two types of iterable expressions: range and enumerate
The range expression m..n
represents a range of values from m
to n-1
. This
example will run from 0 to 4 (exclusive):
for (i, accum): (u32, u32) in u32:0..u32:4 {
There also exists a range()
builtin function that performs the same operation.
iterates over the elements of an array type and produces pairs of
(index, value)
, similar to enumeration constructs in languages like Python or
In the example below, the loop will iterate 8 times, following the array
dimension of x
. Each iteration produces a tuple with the current index i
ranging from 0 to 7 and the value at the index e = x[i]
fn prefix_scan_eq(x: u32[8]) -> bits[8,3] {
let (_, _, result) =
for ((i, e), (prior, count, result)): ((u32, u32), (u32, u3, bits[8,3]))
in enumerate(x) {...
DSLX currently supports synthesis of "counted" for
loops (loops that have a
clear upper bound on their number of iterations). These loops are capable of
being generated as unrolled pipeline stages: when generating a pipeline, the XLS
compiler will unroll and specialize the iterations.
NOTE In the future, support for
loops with an unbounded number of iterations
may be permitted, but will only be possible to synthesize as a time-multiplexed
implementation, since pipelines cannot be unrolled indefinitely.
for (index, accumulator): (type-of-index, type-of-accumulator) in iterable {
} (initial-accumulator-value)
The type annotations in the above example is optional, but often helpful to be included for increased clarity.
Because DSLX is a pure dataflow description, a for
loop is an expression that
produces a value. As a result, you can use the output of a for
loop just like
any other expression:
let final_accum = for (i, accum) in u32:0..u32:8 {
let new_accum = f(accum);
Conceptually the for
loop "evolves" the accumulator as it iterates, and
ultimately evaluates to the last value of that accumulator.
Add up all values from 0 to 4 (exclusive). Note that we pass the accumulator's initial value in as a parameter to this expression.
for (i, accum): (u32, u32) in u32:0..u32:4 {
accum + i
To add up values from 7 to 11 (exclusive), one would write:
let base = u32:7;
for (i, accum): (u32, u32) in u32:0..u32:4 {
accum + base + i
"Loop invariant" values (values that do not change as the loop runs) can be used
in the loop body, for example, note the use of outer_thing
let outer_thing: u32 = u32:42;
for (i, accum): (u32, u32) in u32:0..u32:4 {
accum + i + outer_thing
Both the index and accumulator can be of any valid type, in particular, the
accumulator can be a tuple type, which is useful for evolving a group of values.
For example, this for
loop "evolves" two arrays:
for (i, (xs, ys)): (u32, (u16[3], u8[3])) in u32:0..u32:4 {
}((init_xs, init_ys))
Note in the above example arrays are dataflow values just like anything else. To conditionally update an array every other iteration:
let result: u4[8] = for (i, array) in u32:0..u32:8 {
// Update every other cell with the square of the index.
if i % 2 == 0 { update(array, i, i*i) } else { array }
}(u4[8]:[0, ...]);
Numerical Conversions
DSLX adopts the Rust rules for semantics of numeric casts:
- Casting from larger bit-widths to smaller bit-widths will truncate (to the LSbs). * This means that truncating signed values does not preserve the previous value of the sign bit.
- Casting from a smaller bit-width to a larger bit-width will zero-extend if the source is unsigned, or sign-extend if the source is signed.
- Casting from a bit-width to its own bit-width, between signed/unsigned, is a no-op.
fn test_numerical_conversions() {
let s8_m2 = s8:-2;
let u8_m2 = u8:0xfe;
// Sign extension (source type is signed, and we widen it).
assert_eq(s32:-2, s8_m2 as s32);
assert_eq(u32:0xfffffffe, s8_m2 as u32);
assert_eq(s16:-2, s8_m2 as s16);
assert_eq(u16:0xfffe, s8_m2 as u16);
// Zero extension (source type is unsigned, and we widen it).
assert_eq(u32:0xfe, u8_m2 as u32);
assert_eq(s32:0xfe, u8_m2 as s32);
// Nop (bitwidth is unchanged).
assert_eq(s8:-2, s8_m2 as s8);
assert_eq(u8:0xfe, s8_m2 as u8);
assert_eq(u8:0xfe, u8_m2 as u8);
assert_eq(s8:-2, u8_m2 as s8);
Array Conversions
Casting to an array takes bits from the MSb to the LSb; that is, the group of bits including the MSb ends up as element 0, the next group ends up as element 1, and so on.
Casting from an array to bits performs the inverse operation: element 0 becomes the MSbs of the resulting value.
All casts between arrays and bits must have the same total bit count.
fn cast_to_array(x: u6) -> u2[3] { x as u2[3] }
fn cast_from_array(a: u2[3]) -> u6 { a as u6 }
fn concat_arrays(a: u2[3], b: u2[3]) -> u2[6] { a ++ b }
fn test_cast_to_array() {
let a_value: u6 = u6:0b011011;
let a: u2[3] = cast_to_array(a_value);
let a_array = u2[3]:[1, 2, 3];
assert_eq(a, a_array);
// Note: converting back from array to bits gives the original value.
assert_eq(a_value, cast_from_array(a));
let b_value: u6 = u6:0b111001;
let b_array: u2[3] = u2[3]:[3, 2, 1];
let b: u2[3] = cast_to_array(b_value);
assert_eq(b, b_array);
assert_eq(b_value, cast_from_array(b));
// Concatenation of bits is analogous to concatenation of their converted
// arrays. That is:
// convert(concat(a, b)) == concat(convert(a), convert(b))
let concat_value: u12 = a_value ++ b_value;
let concat_array: u2[6] = concat_value as u2[6];
assert_eq(concat_array, concat_arrays(a_array, b_array));
// Show a few classic "endianness" example using 8-bit array values.
let x = u32:0xdeadbeef;
assert_eq(x as u8[4], u8[4]:[0xde, 0xad, 0xbe, 0xef]);
let y = u16:0xbeef;
assert_eq(y as u8[2], u8[2]:[0xbe, 0xef]);
Bit Slice Expressions
DSLX supports Python-style bit slicing over unsigned bits types. Note that
bits are numbered 0..N starting from the right (as you would write it on paper);
the least significant bit, AKA LSb, is rightmost. See for example, the value
, which is written as:
Bit 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Value 1 0 0 0 1 1 1
A slice expression [N:M]
means to take from bit N
(inclusive) to bit M
exclusive. The start and limit in the slice expression must be signed integral
Aside: This can be confusing, because the N
stands to the left of M
in the
expression, but bit N
would be to the 'right' of M
in the classical bit
numbering. Additionally, this is not the case in the classical array
visualization, where element 0 is usually drawn on the left.
For example, the expression [0:2]
would yield:
Bit 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Value 1 0 0 0 1 1 1
^ ^ included
^ excluded
Result: 0b11
Note that, as of now, the indices for the [N:M]
form must be literal numbers
(so the compiler can determine the width of the result). To perform a slice with
a non-literal-number start position, use the +:
form described below.
The slicing operations also support Python-style slices with offsets from the
start or end. To visualize, one can think of x[ : -1]
as the equivalent of
x[from the start : bitwidth - 1]
. Correspondingly, x[-1 : ]
can be
visualized as x[ bitwidth - 1 : to the end]
For example, to get all bits, except the MSb (from the beginning, until the top element minus 1):
Or to get the two most significant bits:
This results in the nice property that the original complete value can be sliced
into complementary slices such as [:-2]
(all but the two most significant
bits) and [-2:]
(the two most significant bits):
fn slice_into_two_pieces() {
let x = u5:0b11000;
let (lo, hi): (u3, u2) = (x[:-2], x[-2:]);
assert_eq(hi, u2:0b11);
assert_eq(lo, u3:0b000);
Width Slice
There is also a "width slice" form x[start +: bits[N]]
- starting from a
specified bit, slice out the next N
bits. This is equivalent to:
bits[N]:(x >> start)
. The type can be specified as either signed or unsigned;
e.g. [start +: s8]
will produce an 8-bit signed value starting at start
whereas [start +: u4]
will produce a 4-bit unsigned number starting at
Bit Slice Examples
// Identity function helper.
fn id<N: u32>(x: bits[N]) -> bits[N] { x }
fn test_bit_slice_syntax() {
let x = u6:0b100111;
// Slice out two bits.
assert_eq(u2:0b11, x[0:2]);
assert_eq(u2:0b11, x[1:3]);
assert_eq(u2:0b01, x[2:4]);
assert_eq(u2:0b00, x[3:5]);
// Slice out three bits.
assert_eq(u3:0b111, x[0:3]);
assert_eq(u3:0b011, x[1:4]);
assert_eq(u3:0b001, x[2:5]);
assert_eq(u3:0b100, x[3:6]);
// Slice out from the end.
assert_eq(u1:0b1, x[-1:]);
assert_eq(u1:0b1, x[-1:6]);
assert_eq(u2:0b10, x[-2:]);
assert_eq(u2:0b10, x[-2:6]);
assert_eq(u3:0b100, x[-3:]);
assert_eq(u3:0b100, x[-3:6]);
assert_eq(u4:0b1001, x[-4:]);
assert_eq(u4:0b1001, x[-4:6]);
// Slice both relative to the end (MSb).
assert_eq(u2:0b01, x[-4:-2]);
assert_eq(u2:0b11, x[-6:-4]);
// Slice out from the beginning (LSb).
assert_eq(u5:0b00111, x[:-1]);
assert_eq(u4:0b0111, x[:-2]);
assert_eq(u3:0b111, x[:-3]);
assert_eq(u2:0b11, x[:-4]);
assert_eq(u1:0b1, x[:-5]);
// Slicing past the end just means we hit the end (as in Python).
assert_eq(u1:0b1, x[5:7]);
assert_eq(u1:0b1, x[-7:1]);
assert_eq(bits[0]:0, x[-7:-6]);
assert_eq(bits[0]:0, x[-6:-6]);
assert_eq(bits[0]:0, x[6:6]);
assert_eq(bits[0]:0, x[6:7]);
assert_eq(u1:1, x[-6:-5]);
// Slice of a slice.
assert_eq(u2:0b11, x[:4][1:3]);
// Slice of an invocation.
assert_eq(u2:0b01, id(x)[2:4]);
// Explicit-width slices.
assert_eq(u2:0b01, x[2+:u2]);
assert_eq(s3:0b100, x[3+:s3]);
assert_eq(u3:0b001, x[5+:u3]);
Advanced Understanding: Parametricity, Constraints, and Unification
An infamous wrinkle is introduced for parametric functions: consider the following function:
// (Note: DSLX does not currently support the `T: type` construct shown here,
// it is for example purposes only.)
fn add_wrapper<T: type, U: type>(x: T, y: U) -> T {
x + y
Based on the inference rule, we know that +
can only type check when the
operand types are the same. This means we can conclude that type T
is the same
as type U
. Once we determine this, we need to make sure anywhere U
is used
it is consistent with the fact it is the same as T
. In a sense the +
operator is "adding a constraint" that T
is equivalent to U
, and trying to
check that fact is valid is under the purview of type inference. The fact that
the constraint is added that T
and U
are the same type is referred to as
"unification", as what was previously two entities with potentially different
constraints now has a single set of constraints that comes from the union of its
operand types.
DSLX's typechecker will go through the body of parametric functions per invocation. As such, the typechecker will always have the invocation's parametric values for use in asserting type consistency against "constraints" such as derived parametric expressions, body vs. annotated return type equality, and expression inference rules.
Operator Precedence
DSLX's operator precedence matches Rust's. Listed below are DSLX's operators in descending precedence order. Binary operators at the same level share the same associativity and will be grouped accordingly.
Operator | Associativity |
(...) |
n/a |
unary - ! |
n/a |
as |
Left to right |
* / % |
Left to right |
+ - ++ |
Left to right |
<< >> |
Left to right |
& |
Left to right |
^ |
Left to right |
\| |
Left to right |
== != < > <= >= |
Left to right |
&& |
Left to right |
\|\| |
Left to right |
Testing and Debugging
DSLX allows specifying tests right in the implementation file via the test
Having test code in the implementation file serves two purposes. It helps to ensure the code behaves as expected. Additionally, it serves as 'executable' documentation, similar in spirit to Python docstrings.
Unit Tests
As in Rust, unit tests are specified by the test
attribute, as seen below:
fn test_reverse() {
assert_eq(u1:1, rev(u1:1));
assert_eq(u2:0b10, rev(u2:0b01));
assert_eq(u2:0b00, rev(u2:0b00));
The DSLX interpreter will execute all functions that are proceeded by a test
attribute. These functions should be non-parametric, take no arguments, and
should return a unit-type.
Unless otherwise specified in the implementation's build configs, functions called by unit tests are also converted to XLS IR and run through the toolchain's LLVM JIT. The resulting values from the DSLX interpreter and the LLVM JIT are compared against each other to assert equality. This is to ensure that DSLX implementations are IR-convertible and that IR translation is correct.
Test Filtering
The DSLX main (runner) binary can also filter what tests are run from a file via
the --test_filter=REGEXP
Unit tests run via Bazel can also be filtered via the typical Bazel
flag; i.e.,
bazel test -c opt //xls/dslx/stdlib:apfloat_dslx_test --test_output=streamed
selecting one test:
bazel test -c opt //xls/dslx/stdlib:apfloat_dslx_test --test_output=streamed --test_filter=one_x_one_plus_one_f32
selecting multiple tests to run via regular expression:
bazel test -c opt //xls/dslx/stdlib:apfloat_dslx_test --test_output=streamed --test_filter=.*f32.*
QuickCheck is a testing framework concept founded on
property-based testing. Instead of specifying expected and test values,
QuickCheck asks for properties of the implementation that should hold true
against any input of the specified type(s). In DSLX, we use the quickcheck
attribute to designate functions to be run via the toolchain's QuickCheck
framework. Here is an example that complements the unit testing of DSLX's rev
implementation from above:
fn prop_double_bitreverse(x: u32) -> bool {
// Check that when we reverse the bits twice we get the original value.
x == rev(rev(x))
The DSLX interpreter will execute all functions that are preceded by a
attribute. These functions should be non-parametric and return a
. The framework will provide randomized input based on the types of the
arguments to the function (e.g., above, the framework will provided randomized
's as x
By default, the framework will run the function against 1000 sets of randomized
inputs. This default may be changed by specifying the test_count
key in the
attribute before a particular test:
The framework also allows programmers to specify a seed to use in generating the random inputs, as opposed to letting the framework pick one. The seed chosen for production can be found in the execution log.
For determinism, the DSLX interpreter should be run with the seed
./interpreter_main --seed=1234 <DSLX source file>
Exhaustive QuickCheck
For small domains the quickcheck attribute can also be placed in exhaustive mode via the exhaustive
// `u8` space is small enough to check exhaustively.
fn prop_double_bitreverse(x: u8) -> bool {
// Check that when we reverse the bits twice we get the original value.
x == rev(rev(x))
This is useful when there are small domains where we would prefer exhaustive
stimulus over randomized stimulus. Note that as the space becomes large,
exhaustive concrete-stimulus-based testing becomes implausible, and users should
consider attempting to prove the QuickCheck formally via the
Communicating Sequential Processes (AKA procs)
Functions conceptually exist independent of "time". They describe a "feed forward" dataflow computation; they cannot describe carrying a value forward over "time steps", and don't have the ability to send messages to other functions that are also iterating in time.
XLS has a more powerful construct for exactly this additional set of
capabilities, called proc
s, short for "communicating process". They are in the
tradition of
Communicating Sequential Processes,
similar to those seen in Go, Erlang, and various other "actor model" programming
This is a simple proc
proc CountUp {
output_channel: chan<u32> out;
// Configuration -- we get the output channel when we're configured by an external `spawn`.
// The last statement in a `config` should be a tuple that is used to initialize the proc
// members; e.g. we give a single value in a tuple that initializes the `output_channel`
// declared above.
config(output_channel: chan<u32> out) { (output_channel,) }
// Initial value for the state.
init { u32:0 }
// "Iterate in time" -- takes a state, does some work, and produces a new state.
next(state: u32) {
// Send our state to the outside world via the channel.
send(join(), output_channel, state);
// Calculate our new state.
state + u32:1
This proc
counts a 32-bit value upwards and sends it out on a channel. To do
things in time, beyond what functions do, you need some connections that work
for sending and receiving messages over time (chan
) and some state that you
can carry over the course of time (state
Proc Syntax Template
s are shaped as follows, generalizing what we saw in CountUp
init { $INIT_VALUE }
// Note: config can contain `spawn`s of other `proc`s.
config($CHAN_OR_ARG, ...) {
($MEMBER, ...)
next(state: $STATE_TYPE) {
Note that proc
s can be parameterized, similar to
functions, and that the proc
scope can contain
s and type aliases, which can be convenient to define within the
parameterized scope for all of the init
function definitions.
Note that the config
function is evaluated completely at compile time (i.e.,
it is all "constexpr" evaluated) -- this "configuration time" is a form of
elaboration where channels are connected and the communicating process hierarchy
is created.
A proc
can create a sub-proc
via the spawn
keyword, and this "spawning"
happens at configuration time, whereas next
reflects the "runtime" execution;
Though DSLX organizes procs into a tree based on spawn
s the
underlying IR does not (yet) do so. This will be added with
proc-scoped channels
but until then a proc is only considered to be connected to another proc if
there is some path of channel recv
s and send
s through which the two procs
communicate within their respective next
This means that 'spawner-procs' - procs which exist only to spawn
a network
of other procs with no channels of their own - have somewhat strange
interactions with optimization. This most often causes spawned procs
to be removed from opt-ir outputs. This can be worked around by manually
setting top to a spawned procs. See below for more information.
If one wishes to spawn proc
s one may use an empty proc
with only
s in the config
, however one must manually set the dslx_top
to the
mangled name of the spawned proc
and have a separate xls_ir_opt_ir
for each spawned proc-independent group of procs. This can be used to
instantiate a proc
with template parameters. For example see the
proc_iota.x program
and the
associated build targets.
Note how the proc
s spawn
ed by main are manually opt_ir
d using the mangled
identifiers in the build-files instead of simply using the existing 'main'
to spawn them both. In almost all cases simply picking any random proc
instantiated in the proc-tree of the true top
to act as dslx_top
proc Top {
// Channel where we'll receive values from `CountUp`.
from_count_up: chan<u32> in;
init { () }
config() {
// The "chan" constructor provides send (`out`) and receive (`in`)
// port halves.
let (s, r) = chan<u32>("my_chan");
// Instantiate the `CountUp` proc which will talk to us using this channel half.
spawn CountUp(s);
// Initialize our member using the receive half of the channel we created.
// Receive the values sent from the `CountUp` proc we instantiated in
// `config` and trace them out to logging.
next(state: ()) {
let (tok, got) = recv(join(), r);
trace_fmt!("CountUp gave: {}", got);
Otherwise there'd be a use-before-definition error. ↩