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DSLX FFI interfacing with Verilog Modules

Sometimes it might be useful to instantiate existing Verilog modules from DSLX. This could be for various reasons; sometimes there is an existing code-base with specific optimizations one wants to use.

The concept of calling an external implementation from some language is typically referred to as Foreign Function Interface or short FFI, used below for brevity.

DSLX can interface with combinational Verilog modules; sequential FFI is planned.

Foreign Function Interface in DSLX

Every external module to interface will need to have a DSLX implementation as a function with an annotation that tells DSLX the module instantiation at code-generation time. The DSLX implementation will be used in the interpreter and JIT, for instance in tests.

Simple Example

Suppose you'd like to instantiate the following Verilog module in a DSLX design:

module myfoo #(
  parameter int N = 32
  input wire [N-1:0] x,
  output wire [N-1:0] out
  assign out = x + 1;

First, write a DSLX function, that has the relevant inputs and and return value, as well as a implementation that is functionally equivalent. Here, there is one input parameter, mapped to a function parameter, and one output parameter, mapped to the return of the DSLX function:

fn foo(a: u32) -> u32 {
  a + u32:1

You can now add an annotation #[extern_verilog("...")] to the DSLX function that contains a textual template for the instantiation that should happen. There are placeholders in {...}-braces that will be replaced with the actual values at code-generation time:

myfoo {fn} (       // Placeholder for the instantiation name.
   .x({a}),        // Reference to name in function parameter.
   .out({return})  // Placeholder for the output.
);                 // Semicolon optional, code-generation will always add one.
fn foo(a: u32) -> u32 {
  a + u32:1

Let's look at this in detail

  • Inside the extern_verilog("..."), you add the code that will be the Verilog instantiation of the particular module: this is just a regular module instantiation of the module myfoo that you'd like to interface with.
  • The {fn} placeholder is needed and will be expanded to the actual instantiation name decided at code-generation time.
  • The {a} placeholder references a value in the function prototype, in this case the parameter a.
  • The output parameter of the myfoo function is wired to the special value {return} which represents the return value of the function.
  • The types the module will receive are based on the type mentioned in the function prototype. Parameter a and the return value are both u32, so .x() and .out() will be connected to wire [31:0]'s at code generation time.


DSLX functions allow parameterization as do Verilog modules. The same technique as above can be applied to parameters, referencing values in the function prototype in the instantiation template in curly braces. DSLX parameter values are const-evaluated and then provided in the textual template under the given name. With this, you can now make full use of the parametric properties of the Verilog module:

myfoo {fn} #(
   .N({WIDTH})     // Expanded to the constant determined at compile-time.
fn foo<WIDTH:u32>(a:bits[WIDTH]) -> bits[WIDTH] {
  a + uN[WIDTH]:1

This will now automatically parameterize the module instantiation with the same parameter value the DSLX function is called.

Mapping Aggregate types

The first example looked at a simple integer type for parameter and return values, but it is also possible to refer to tuples, another common way to represent more complex data in DSLX. You can refer to values inside tuples in the same way you'd do inside DSLX, with an index suffix:

mybar {fn} (
fn bar(a:(s32, s32), b:s32) -> (s32, s32) {
   (a.0 + a.1, b)

If you just access the tuple by its name (e.g. a in this case), the Verilog module receives the bit-concatenated content of that tuple, a.0 ++ a.1.

In the xls/examples directory, you find a more complete ffi example including nested tuples ({return.0.1}).

Code Generation

The code generator needs to know the critical path delay of the Verilog module to be able to do proper scheduling and pipelining. This information can be provided by a codegen parameter --ffi_fallback_delay_ps (see BUILD file in the ffi example).

There are plans for an automatic ffi delay estimate.

Tips and Tricks

The following examples are technically possible right now, but it should not necessarily be considered a supported use-case.

Given that the Verilog template just accepts Verilog pasted into the output, you can use Verilog features to do some transformations directly inside the template while accessing the parameters from the DSLX function prototype:

mybaz {fn} #(
   .WIDTH($bits({a}))              // Calling system functions
   .modify((42)'({a})),            // Type casting
   .all_the_bits({{ {b}, {c} }}),  // Concatenate; note escaped braces.
fn baz(a:u32, b:u32, c:u32) -> u32 {
  u32:42  // local implementation

Note that the Verilog concatenation needs to use curly braces, but since these are 'special' characters within the textual template, they need to be escaped. This is done by doubling them up: {{...}} will result in {...} in the code-generated output.

In this particular example for the system function it would probably be a good idea to const-evaluate expressions as part of the parametric function parameters, then pass this constant.

Even the following will work: create a local wire and assignments that we assemble from parameters to the template; here, we use that to adapt the wire [42:0] output of myquux to whatever our return type is:


wire [42:0] {return}_adapted_to_module;

myquux {fn} (

assign {return} = ({RESULT_BITS})'({return}_adapted_to_module);
fn quux<RESULT_BITS:u32>(a:u32) -> uN[RESULT_BITS] {
   a as uN[RESULT_BITS]

Of course, at that point, XLS can't guarantee anymore that wire identifiers are unique. Handle this rope with care :)