Borrow Checking

Rust’s borrow checker puts constraints on the ways you can borrow values. We’ve already seen that a reference cannot outlive the value it borrows:


There’s also a second main rule that the borrow checker enforces: The aliasing rule. For a given value, at any time:

  • You can have one or more shared references to the value, or
  • You can have exactly one exclusive reference to the value.

Speaker Notes

This slide should take about 10 minutes.
  • The “outlives” rule was demonstrated previously when we first looked at references. We review it here to show students that the borrow checking is following a few different rules to validate borrowing.
  • The above code does not compile because a is borrowed as mutable (through c) and as immutable (through b) at the same time.
    • Note that the requirement is that conflicting references not exist at the same point. It does not matter where the reference is dereferenced. Try commenting out *c = 20 and show that the compiler error still occurs even if we never use c.
    • Note that the intermediate reference c isn’t necessary to trigger a borrow conflict. Replace c with a direct mutation of a and demonstrate that this produces a similar error. This is because direct mutation of a value effectively creates a temporary mutable reference.
  • Move the println! statement for b before the scope that introduces c to make the code compile.
    • After that change, the compiler realizes that b is only ever used before the new mutable borrow of a through c. This is a feature of the borrow checker called “non-lexical lifetimes”.

More to Explore

  • Technically multiple mutable references to a piece of data can exist at the same time via re-borrowing. This is what allows you to pass a mutable reference into a function without invaliding the original reference. This playground example demonstrates that behavior.
  • Rust uses the exclusive reference constraint to ensure that data races do not occur in multi-threaded code, since only one thread can have mutable access to a piece of data at a time.
  • Rust also uses this constraint to optimize code. For example, a value behind a shared reference can be safely cached in a register for the lifetime of that reference.
  • Fields of a struct can be borrowed independently of each other, but calling a method on a struct will borrow the whole struct, potentially invalidating references to individual fields. See this playground snippet for an example of this.