Tuple Structs

If the field names are unimportant, you can use a tuple struct:


This is often used for single-field wrappers (called newtypes):


Speaker Notes

This slide should take about 10 minutes.
  • Newtypes are a great way to encode additional information about the value in a primitive type, for example:
    • The number is measured in some units: Newtons in the example above.
    • The value passed some validation when it was created, so you no longer have to validate it again at every use: PhoneNumber(String) or OddNumber(u32).
  • Demonstrate how to add a f64 value to a Newtons type by accessing the single field in the newtype.
    • Rust generally doesn’t like inexplicit things, like automatic unwrapping or for instance using booleans as integers.
    • Operator overloading is discussed on Day 3 (generics).
  • When a tuple struct has zero fields, the () can be omitted. The result is a zero-sized type (ZST), of which there is only one value (the name of the type).
    • This is common for types that implement some behavior but have no data (imagine a NullReader that implements some reader behavior by always returning EOF).
  • The example is a subtle reference to the Mars Climate Orbiter failure.