
Rust 有一个任务系统,这是一种轻量级线程处理形式。

每个任务只有一个顶级 Future,执行器会对此进行轮询来推进任务进度。该 Future 可能包含一个或多个嵌套的 Future,可以通过其 poll 方法对它们进行轮询,类似于调用堆栈。可以通过轮询多个子 Future(例如争用定时器和 I/O 操作)在任务内部实现并发操作。

use tokio::io::{self, AsyncReadExt, AsyncWriteExt}; use tokio::net::TcpListener; #[tokio::main] async fn main() -> io::Result<()> { let listener = TcpListener::bind("").await?; println!("listening on port {}", listener.local_addr()?.port()); loop { let (mut socket, addr) = listener.accept().await?; println!("connection from {addr:?}"); tokio::spawn(async move { socket.write_all(b"Who are you?\n").await.expect("socket error"); let mut buf = vec![0; 1024]; let name_size = socket.read(&mut buf).await.expect("socket error"); let name = std::str::from_utf8(&buf[..name_size]).unwrap().trim(); let reply = format!("Thanks for dialing in, {name}!\n"); socket.write_all(reply.as_bytes()).await.expect("socket error"); }); } }

Speaker Notes

将此示例复制到准备好的 src/main.rs 文件中,并从该文件运行它。

请尝试使用像 nctelnet 这样的 TCP 连接工具进行连接。

  • 让学生想象一下,当连接多个客户端时,示例服务器会达到怎样的状态。存在哪些任务?具有哪些 Future?

  • This is the first time we’ve seen an async block. This is similar to a closure, but does not take any arguments. Its return value is a Future, similar to an async fn.

  • Refactor the async block into a function, and improve the error handling using ?.