在本练习中,您将学习一个非常简单的数据结构,并将其变成泛型的。该结构使用 std::collections::HashMap
的初始版本经过硬编码,仅适用于 u32
值。使结构体及其方法可用于所跟踪的值类型,以便 Counter
如果提前完成操作,请尝试使用 entry
方法将哈希查找次数减半,从而实现 count
use std::collections::HashMap; /// Counter counts the number of times each value of type T has been seen. struct Counter { values: HashMap<u32, u64>, } impl Counter { /// Create a new Counter. fn new() -> Self { Counter { values: HashMap::new(), } } /// Count an occurrence of the given value. fn count(&mut self, value: u32) { if self.values.contains_key(&value) { *self.values.get_mut(&value).unwrap() += 1; } else { self.values.insert(value, 1); } } /// Return the number of times the given value has been seen. fn times_seen(&self, value: u32) -> u64 { self.values.get(&value).copied().unwrap_or_default() } } fn main() { let mut ctr = Counter::new(); ctr.count(13); ctr.count(14); ctr.count(16); ctr.count(14); ctr.count(14); ctr.count(11); for i in 10..20 { println!("saw {} values equal to {}", ctr.times_seen(i), i); } let mut strctr = Counter::new(); strctr.count("apple"); strctr.count("orange"); strctr.count("apple"); println!("got {} apples", strctr.times_seen("apple")); }