
Sometimes we want to allow any type of error to be returned without writing our own enum covering all the different possibilities. The std::error::Error trait makes it easy to create a trait object that can contain any error.


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read_count 函数可以返回 std::io::Error(通过文件操作)或 std::num::ParseIntError(通过 String::parse)。

Boxing errors saves on code, but gives up the ability to cleanly handle different error cases differently in the program. As such it’s generally not a good idea to use Box<dyn Error> in the public API of a library, but it can be a good option in a program where you just want to display the error message somewhere.

Make sure to implement the std::error::Error trait when defining a custom error type so it can be boxed. But if you need to support the no_std attribute, keep in mind that the std::error::Error trait is currently compatible with no_std in nightly only.