AIDL クライアント

ようやくここで、新しいサービス用の Rust クライアントを作成します。


use com_example_birthdayservice::aidl::com::example::birthdayservice::IBirthdayService::IBirthdayService; use com_example_birthdayservice::binder; const SERVICE_IDENTIFIER: &str = "birthdayservice"; /// 誕生日サービスを呼び出します。 fn main() -> Result<(), Box<dyn Error>> { let name = std::env::args().nth(1).unwrap_or_else(|| String::from("Bob")); let years = std::env::args() .nth(2) .and_then(|arg| arg.parse::<i32>().ok()) .unwrap_or(42); binder::ProcessState::start_thread_pool(); let service = binder::get_interface::<dyn IBirthdayService>(SERVICE_IDENTIFIER) .map_err(|_| "Failed to connect to BirthdayService")?; // Call the service. let msg = service.wishHappyBirthday(&name, years)?; println!("{msg}"); }


rust_binary { name: "birthday_client", crate_name: "birthday_client", srcs: ["src/"], rustlibs: [ "com.example.birthdayservice-rust", "libbinder_rs", ], prefer_rlib: true, // ダイナミック リンク エラーを回避するためです。 }

クライアントが libbirthdayservice に依存していないことに注目してください。


m birthday_client adb push "$ANDROID_PRODUCT_OUT/system/bin/birthday_client" /data/local/tmp adb shell /data/local/tmp/birthday_client Charlie 60
Happy Birthday Charlie, congratulations with the 60 years!

Speaker Notes

  • Strong<dyn IBirthdayService> is the trait object representing the service that the client has connected to.
    • Strong is a custom smart pointer type for Binder. It handles both an in-process ref count for the service trait object, and the global Binder ref count that tracks how many processes have a reference to the object.
    • Note that the trait object that the client uses to talk to the service uses the exact same trait that the server implements. For a given Binder interface, there is a single Rust trait generated that both client and server use.
  • Use the same service identifier used when registering the service. This should ideally be defined in a common crate that both the client and server can depend on.