Blocks and Scopes


A block in Rust contains a sequence of expressions, enclosed by braces {}. Each block has a value and a type, which are those of the last expression of the block:

fn main() {
    let z = 13;
    let x = {
        let y = 10;
        println!("y: {y}");
        z - y
    println!("x: {x}");

最後の式が ; で終了した場合、ブロック全体の値と型は () になります。


A variable’s scope is limited to the enclosing block.

You can shadow variables, both those from outer scopes and variables from the same scope:

fn main() {
    let a = 10;
    println!("before: {a}");
        let a = "hello";
        println!("inner scope: {a}");

        let a = true;
        println!("shadowed in inner scope: {a}");

    println!("after: {a}");
This slide should take about 10 minutes.
  • ブロック内にある最後の行を変更することによって、ブロック全体の値が変わることが分かります。例えば、行末のセミコロンを追加/削除したり、return を使用したりすることで、ブロックの値は変化します。
  • Show that a variable’s scope is limited by adding a b in the inner block in the last example, and then trying to access it outside that block.
  • Shadowing is different from mutation, because after shadowing both variable’s memory locations exist at the same time. Both are available under the same name, depending where you use it in the code.
  • A shadowing variable can have a different type.
  • Shadowing looks obscure at first, but is convenient for holding on to values after .unwrap().