

The Luhn algorithm is used to validate credit card numbers. The algorithm takes a string as input and does the following to validate the credit card number:

  • Ignore all spaces. Reject number with less than two digits.

  • Moving from right to left, double every second digit: for the number 1234, we double 3 and 1. For the number 98765, we double 6 and 8.

  • After doubling a digit, sum the digits if the result is greater than 9. So doubling 7 becomes 14 which becomes 1 + 4 = 5.

  • Sum all the undoubled and doubled digits.

  • The credit card number is valid if the sum ends with 0.

The provided code provides a buggy implementation of the luhn algorithm, along with two basic unit tests that confirm that most the algorithm is implemented correctly.

Copy the code below to and write additional tests to uncover bugs in the provided implementation, fixing any bugs you find.

fn main() {
pub fn luhn(cc_number: &str) -> bool {
    let mut sum = 0;
    let mut double = false;

    for c in cc_number.chars().rev() {
        if let Some(digit) = c.to_digit(10) {
            if double {
                let double_digit = digit * 2;
                sum +=
                    if double_digit > 9 { double_digit - 9 } else { double_digit };
            } else {
                sum += digit;
            double = !double;
        } else {

    sum % 10 == 0

mod test {
    use super::*;

    fn test_valid_cc_number() {
        assert!(luhn("4263 9826 4026 9299"));
        assert!(luhn("4539 3195 0343 6467"));
        assert!(luhn("7992 7398 713"));

    fn test_invalid_cc_number() {
        assert!(!luhn("4223 9826 4026 9299"));
        assert!(!luhn("4539 3195 0343 6476"));
        assert!(!luhn("8273 1232 7352 0569"));